Recently started doing it for fun and profit. Any protips?

  • MirrorMadness [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If you're using it to focus or get a big project done, make sure that you start that project before the effect kicks in. If you are playing video games or something waiting for it to kick in, you'll end up just playing video games (or whatever you're doing) for the next several hours; it's not bad but might not be what you want. If you're not sure what you want to do, don't get too into anything and wait for the high, and you'll find something to organize or optimize. Make sure you eat, as it will suppress your appetite. It's great for getting through books that you were having trouble focusing on, though you might end up making a weird book of indecipherable flowcharts (I did this Phenomenology of Spirit. completely meaningless to look at now).

    The come down sucks and it can be pretty addictive, so be careful with that. It's pretty bad for hanging out with people (unless they're also on it) as you'll lose some of your humor, comfort, and awareness; you might seem cranky or irritable. My dad once told me when I was using it (and he didn't know) that during that period somedays I just wasn't really there.

    note: this is from recreational use. I know some people find it evens them out and helps them. Though it was prescribed to me, I found it to be much more of a chemical high than a medication

    • notwikinotbot [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      It’s pretty bad for hanging out with people (unless they’re also on it) as you’ll lose some of your humor, comfort, and awareness; you might seem cranky or irritable.

      Yeah I can really tell when my partner's drug rotation is back on adderall, they want to talk nonstop about whatever and sometimes that's great and sometimes OMG I need a break, seriously. Whether or not you lose your humor really depends, but it's a good idea to remind yourself to be open to other people's feedback on how you're coming across, while also not letting yourself or them blame it all "on the drugs." (And being aware that some people's perception of how you're acting will change if they know you're on adderall.)

  • morningstar [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Be very careful with porn/masturbation; amphetamines make it intensely pleasurable but the flood of dopamine is extremely efficient at rewiring your brain into a porn-addicted hog-cranking machine. Basically ruined my life a few years ago, I'd skip all my classes and masturbate for like 8-12 hours at a time. I've mostly gotten over it but I still have to be careful whenever I take stimulants now

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I can see how watching porn on this shit would basically short circuit ones brain. Noted.

    • Methamphetamine [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Seconded. Amphetamines are like a hog-cranking mind virus. All your hobbies and interests will be replaced by cranking your hog. Everything will revolve around cranking your hog. You will spend stupid amounts of money on OnlyFans and Tinder super likes.

  • notwikinotbot [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    If you're already a more thin person, make sure you eat. I get ragingly hungry when I take amphetamines, I think it also increases the likeliness that I'll get bruxism/jaw grinding. The internet says this effect is more common with thinner people, I'm high normal BMI and it happens to me. If I eat a good meal beforehand, I have a lot less problems, and I'm less on edge.

    Oh also get some magnesium supplements. They'll help you with bruxism, the come down, and if you get extra anxiety while you're on the amphetamines. Magnesium citrate or some chelate are supposed to be the best, I use magnesium chloride but it's real easy to take too much and shit yourself with a form of magnesium that's absorbed that well.

    If you read about people doing adderall, etc long enough you'll find people saying to either take it with vitamin c or avoid vitamin c. You're supposed to process it out of your system faster if your urinary pH is lower (more acid), which you can do with vitamin c. I'm not sure if I've experienced an effect from vitamin C either way (increasing or decreasing high time). I have a hunch that you have to eat pants shitting amounts of vitamin C (over a gram) to acidify your urine enough to make any difference. On the other hand, vitamin C might help with any neurological inflammation it might cause, so I don't personally avoid it when taking adderall.