This action is a huge blow to the tar sands overall, and if the other pipeline gets too many set backs the tar sands might actually fold from lack of investment.

I had literally zero hopes for Biden, and this is already a net good. Consider me surprised.

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    :LIB: :gulag:

    Shut the fuck up liberal.

    Let me explain.

    It would not matter if tomorrow he put in a full carbon tax regime. It literally does not matter. It is too fucking late. This is all PR so when it does come to pass, the worst kind of scenario that is, they can point to too little, too late, symbolic nonsense like this that well meaning but unfortunately under informed people see as moving the world and proclaim "we in America/Europe did our duty, it's China's fault". This is the next step of the game. Little more. And I'm not even convinced this isn't due to other economic factors.

    It doesn't fundamentally change usage, only supply. Playing silly capitalist/liberal games with supply costs and shortages will not fix this. It might have if it had been done strongly (not closing one oil pipeline) say 20-25 years ago but it's too late. And again I'm not convinced if oil prices go up or even stay where they are that they just won't ship the stuff via rail (they threatened it before). Again. You've won nothing. The media has convinced you LIBERAL that you have. Again shut up.

    The reason the big deal was made about keystone was not just the particularly dirty oils, but the fact it would cross sacred native lands.

    Capitalism cannot solve climate change. PERIOD. End of discussion.

    I cannot believe I am having to explain this.

    We have already locked in devastating levels of warming. To stop things now we'd need centralized leadership without regard to profit or the precious muh jobs created by the precious free market. We'd need a war-time type effort of restructuring the economy. It is not going to happen.

    This is as I said, PR management. They've extracted the wealth they need to, given the fossil fuel companies time and now will engage in meaningless puffery regarding these too little, too late actions which far too many people will fall for. Like you.

    The next step (I'm not even convinced the west has an actual desire to quite fossil fuels so much as scale it down so they can blame others) will be to angrily slam developing and rival nations like Russia, China, Iran, etc as the real problem as part of a propaganda push while the west who has outsourced their carbon intensive manufacturing to China and other developing nations will proclaim all they've done. After that I don't know. I do know the petro-dollar is an essential part of US hegemony so the equation for changing that is not so simple. If the US abandons oil it creates all kind of ripple effects on allies, on geo-politics. Democrats have been pretending to want to do things about this for a long time and so he re-implemented Obama's veto of the idea because it doesn't fundamentally change anything.

    Once more for those in the back. It doesn't matter if he appears to take "concrete steps" on climate change. They're all too little too late. They would have been bold in the 90s and on-time and needed in the 2000s, but now it is too late. And allowing them to do this, to get away with these inadequate measures is criminal. It is aiding and abetting. Because this is dooming hundreds of millions, a billion people to death. Accepting this is accepting the unacceptable. Cheering this is cheering a lie. Damn you.

    The projections for climate change show the US is one of the better suited places to ride it out (not all parts obviously, but it has fertile farmland and soils, water, and a lot of space). The US government so long as it can control its people will be just fine. It's Africa, South America, Asia, the middle east that will bear the brunt of it so the capitalists are not exactly panicking (besides many of them have bought into the delusion of capitalist magic that the market will magic up some technological solution, and in the meantime the smart ones like Bill Gates are buying up huge amounts of farmland because it will give them money, power, control once the crisis hits).

    124 people as of this posting who are desperate for a lick of Democrat boot, just a taste. And Biden obliges by tossing a tiny cumb there. Oh but to indulge the liberalism inside you that says "they're not all bad, they're better than the Republicans on climate". bonk They do the bare minimum to try and keep the US credible while the Republicans fight to do nothing to maximize profits a few points higher and maybe out of some deranged religious or capitalist rejection of the science.

    You know as an aside, this post being on the front page, near the top, 125 upvotes is incredibly discouraging to me. I think, "why do I bother to come here if I'm going to see this kind of liberalism", people easily fooled by micro gestures that are meaningless and with little cost in the long term. Of all days, with the rest of the media screeching about how great Biden is, I would have loved to go a few days without this.

    We are still on track for one of the worse scenarios for warming. This changes nothing. We are metaphorically in a racing car headed for a solid concrete wall on the side of a rocky mountain-face. Biden has metaphorically changed the car so it is no longer accelerating as fast but is still heading straight for the wall and will impact on it, he's bought the people inside the car about 5 seconds extra.

    • ImaProfessional1 [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Fucking hell, comrade. I absolutely didn't want to hear this. But I'm really glad I did. The pipeline cancellation is the MSM version of all those harmless, goofy Biden memes. (They totally distracted me from his politics and made me laugh at Ol' Silly Biden.) All just papering over his actual ghoulish beliefs/stances and embarrassing political history. No one is immune to propaganda.


    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Hey comrade, I'm with you. Climate change is an incredibly large and complex problem that won't be solved under capitism - it requires fundamental changes in rapid times.

      I also don't think that canceling a pipeline is going to solve it.

      But, this is something good - its revoking a permit, not even a market solution.

      My only point is that this is literally already a bigger step than any other us or Canadian head of state has taken. And that is kind of depressing.

    • TheDonkeyedKong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Good post! Quick question:

      “we in America/Europe did our duty, it’s China’s fault”.

      Isn't this predicated on China doing fuck all about climate change? I know propaganda doesn't really align with reality, but showing a way forward seems a lot more compelling than pointing the finger.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        China's coming up on the plurality of industrial capacity globally, atm. They're also bringing their 1.4B person strong population into the first-world standard of living. It really will be in their hands going forward.

    • Sealand_macronation [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Capitalism cannot solve climate change. PERIOD. End of discussion.

      and socialism is really just a rationalized, managed version of bourgeois production

      petro-dollar is an essential part of US hegemony

      Isn't most oil manufactured in refineries in the US?

      You know as an aside, this post being on the front page, near the top, 125 upvotes is incredibly discouraging to me

      also upvoted this pure ideology at the same time: "American Socialism is the strongest it has ever been in your lifetime"