This action is a huge blow to the tar sands overall, and if the other pipeline gets too many set backs the tar sands might actually fold from lack of investment.

I had literally zero hopes for Biden, and this is already a net good. Consider me surprised.

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    Telling libs “a little climate change action is nice, but a lot more is needed” does nothing to strengthen the Democratic Party.

    Fuck the Democratic party. If you want to strengthen or keep it you're an enemy of mine and an enemy of every person in the global south who doesn't have a six figure net worth.

    It is an unacceptable amount of progress. It is not progress at all. It's like stepping off the throttle on an airplane whose course is unrepairably locked on a cliff-face and announcing you've done something. And this isn't even that kind of an action. This is like Biden leaning out the window and spitting or blowing really hard against the front to generate a tiny, insignificant amount of force against the forward momentum.

    Understand liberal. Climate change is time sensitive. We don't have a century to wait for capitalists to accidentally stumble into doing it right. These are solutions that were market friendly. They were proposed in the 80s and 90s. The capitalists rejected them. THAT MEANS THEY FUCKING LOSE. DEAL WITH IT FUCKERS. They had their chance, now they should get nothing less than green revolution.

    Besides my personally feelings however. We do not have time for this "gradual change" BULLSHIT. Excuse me if I seem a little angry but people with your view are going to contribute to the deaths of a billion people and the intense suffering of a billion more. It is not an opinion, it is not my preference. It is a cold, hard scientific fact that these solutions will not work in time (what solutions indeed, closing one oil pipelines so it can be shipped by rail?), that full carbon taxation and 'innovation' credits will not solve anything although they might make Elon a little richer. There is no runner up trophy in climate mitigation above a certain point, if we hit the 4C target we have not done a lot for the poorest people globally as compared to 5C.

    You are quite simply saying "surely a genocide of only xxx,xxx,xxx people is better than a genocide of x,xxx,xxx,xxx people" while I am here to tell you that any is unacceptable. Even by capitalist standards this doesn't reach bare minimum.

    Facts do not care about your feelings or your preference for economic systems that are barbarity incarnate.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Fuck the Democratic party. If you want to strengthen or keep it

      What part of "this does nothing to strengthen the Democratic Party" was not clear?

      The only way to do anything significant about climate change is to convince tens of millions of more people -- at minimum -- to take it as seriously as we do. However angry you get, every solution involves starting with this. So the number one most relevant question is "will this convince people to listen to me, or will it cause them to tune out?" Telling people whatever they've done is meaningless and that they're barbarians with the blood of billions on their hands will, on balance, cause them to tune you out.

      How serious are you about climate change? Are you serious enough to do stuff that will actually move people in the right direction on the issue, even if in your heart of hearts you want to scream in their faces that they aren't moving fast enough? Or are you content to fail so long as you get to yell whatever you want?