Bear with me for a second. Everyone is supposed to be ecstatic about the inauguration. But on all social media the response of even centrists was to relate to the Bernie meme. The guy is a soc dem at best but let's be real here: the fact that there is so much grass roots support for him when even his milquetoast policies are roundly attacked on the major networks tells us something about how people are feeling when they're being told to celebrate the best day ever. People are in despair. They can't join in on the celebrations because they're in a pandemic. It's insane. And every centrist in the country knows it.

  • QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago

    What, they put a fuckload of plastic flags in a field just so that shitters like you could feel included in the party! They did that to honor you, you ungrateful pleb, and all you can do is post online about that sexist monster Bernie Sanders? You bernie bros are so out of touch with racist PMC ghouls such as myself, HARUMPH