This one right here, I see this over and over again in western left circles, Engels pwned Malthus in Anti-Dühring, Marx saw its flaws, why can't we? Avoid having kids because you don't want to or can't, not because you're afraid of the future. Yes, with climate change is going to be ugly, but if we give up and collectively die how can we fight against it? Life is full of unknowns.
What's malthusian about it? Malthusianism is about lowering birth rates, antinatalism is a philosophical position about the morality of bringing conscious life into existence.
A lot of people here seem to not like antinatalism but also seem to know very little about it....
The implications of believing reproduction is an immoral thing definitely won't lead to malthusianism. No sir. So way are those things that go hand in hand.
Antinatalism is a tool that can be used in mathusian practice. An attempt to make a moral argument against reproduction. Antinataliam is secular abstinence.
Already raising a revolutionary.
Malthusian thought is reactionary.
This one right here, I see this over and over again in western left circles, Engels pwned Malthus in Anti-Dühring, Marx saw its flaws, why can't we? Avoid having kids because you don't want to or can't, not because you're afraid of the future. Yes, with climate change is going to be ugly, but if we give up and collectively die how can we fight against it? Life is full of unknowns.
If we're not raising the next generation of socialists who will?
Antinatalism is not synonymous with malthusianism.
It's not a rhyme, it's a harmony
What's malthusian about it? Malthusianism is about lowering birth rates, antinatalism is a philosophical position about the morality of bringing conscious life into existence.
A lot of people here seem to not like antinatalism but also seem to know very little about it....
The implications of believing reproduction is an immoral thing definitely won't lead to malthusianism. No sir. So way are those things that go hand in hand.
Correct they don't.
Hold on. What do you think malthusianism is?
Antinatalism is a tool that can be used in mathusian practice. An attempt to make a moral argument against reproduction. Antinataliam is secular abstinence.
You are correct it's a moral argument against reproduction. I'm confused about what make it abstinence? It's abstaining from having kids I guess...