Controversial move that many would agree was a mistake. Existing,
Irather not.
Hate how this is getting more upbears then my other post :angry-hex:
If y'all want funny pictures then so be it. No more original content getting tired of puns anyway. Will flood main with as many unfunny unoriginal content as possible. Sickos the lot of you
Agree to disagree comrade.
Battery died on me before I typed what I really wanted to say. The lithium gods looking out for me tonight, no ban yet.
This is one of the worst trends of social media. Sticking to the familiar and regurgitating popular takes gets you lauded while original thoughts or ideas are met with scorn or indifference.
That said, there is a "language" and "pattern" to memes that I've been learning to master.
People engage more with an image of text than an actual paragraph of text.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Dumb your ideas down, use basic language, and in-group language and symbols.
Don't invent memes, just use existing ones, even if it's as dumb as "Lisa Simpson theater marquee" or "sailor girl holding a sign"
Hey now, I’m a sicko, yet I wrote a full length parody, complete with puns, of frosty the snowman theme song featuring Donald the cheeto