Typical British reptile, too much of a bloodless coward to admit he's an imperialist:

In response to some people responding to this quite bizarrely claiming that I supported the West's war in Libya - no, I did not

You posted it the day after the bombing started.


Hi! I opposed the Western war on Libya, well done on finding a tweet supporting the initial uprising though!

If Gaddafi was a "savage dictator", the rebels the West helped were good and them overthrowing Gadaffi was something to be desired, it made no sense to oppose the West assisting their effort. Half the arguments in that article could just as easily be arguments for more interventions

here's an article about these class traitors: https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2021-01-22/lessons-iraq-libya-syria-cheer-war/

  • post_trains [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They also need to work on developing more localized workplaces so people aren’t displaced by having to go to a different city to work

    Yeah. This is one of the areas I'm critical on China about. If they want to demonstrate their commitment to the preservation of the cultures and equitable economic success of ethnic minorities, they need to make sure they can share in the success with their people and not get funneled into coastal cities as migrant laborers.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      4 years ago

      For real, this is the primary criticism of the CPCs handling of Xinjiang, and I feel like it's not really talked about. It's always glossed over for alarmist/bullshit "human rights concerns".