Does being rich make you stand inhumanly or something?
After seeing this, I have no idea why people were thirsting over Ivanka so much when Jr. is the one with all dem curves
I know why he looks like this. This is how I looked in my wedding suit.
It's caused by taking the suit to a tailor and just agreeing to everything the tailor proposes. The most expensive alteration you can get is taking in the shoulders and sizing them to fit precisely, instead of the way suits are usually made which exaggerates the size of the shoulders.
It's the "more money is more better" mindset.
I fell victim to it because I'd never had a suit tailored, and I assumed that every alteration the tailor proposed would make the suit look better. Don Jr should surely know better by now.
I can't help but think that their tailors are pranking them all and nobody who realizes it wants to tell them.
extraordinary family in terms of their estrogen production :thicc-trump:
Kevin McCarthy is making moves in that direction.
Well, at least Tories can give us the gift of laughter, if nothing else.
Ivanka is his favorite because she can stand properly. It's why he thinks she's so brilliant and impressive.
This has to be photoshopped, right? They're all so rectangular.
I’m pretty sure Junior is shopped at least. He’s not quite that many shapes.
Not knowing which is which is the greatest dunk of them all.
The fuck is wrong with you people? They're obviously opening their lower sacks to imbibe more oxygen. As they've been given a moment to rest.
I'm a poor shlub and I cannot get over how awful the fit of Junior's suit is.
they look like they have those remote controlled vibrators up their asses :soviet-bashful:
Imagine the ideological commitment to aesthetics over materialism it would take to imagine these are tough guys. These are very soft men.
Is this real?