I'm not sure if this is supposed to be posted here but I'm not sure this would be welcome in c/wallstreetbets (lmao) either. It's just sad and dispiriting. Not really gonna say more about this because it's been pretty draining tbh.

Also, before someone says "well I don't think it's WRONG to talk about this, and I don't think it's praxis, and y'know I had to pay rent and spent some money on this and I just like laughing at Melvin eating shit and...." cool, I'm not talking about you, you know which people I am talking about.

  • VivaZapata [he/him]B
    4 years ago

    Counterpoint: the bolsheviks did a shit ton of bank robberies to fund their efforts. Obviously this isn't going to the vanguard party but in some ways it's kind of like a bank robbery in the sense that capital is being redistributed to the proletariat.

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Heh, dumb online leftist. Buy robbing banks, you participate in banking, and therefore it is I, Gods Perfect Leftist, that is once again superior.

      • PhaseFour [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Most of the posts I've seen in /r/wsb is people gambling their stimmies in the hopes of covering medical bills and student loans.

      • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I've seen a lot of posts on WSB saying that motivation is a feeling of revenge for their own poverty.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Being working class isn't an inherent quality (and a big chunk of WSB and especially the people with lots of money to bet isn't even working class either, although some chose to larp as poor online, not to mention all the other Wall Street speculators jumping in on the action). If someone makes a bunch of money on the stock market, chances are they'll keep doing it, and then they won't be working class any more, they will simply be stock market speculators.

      • VivaZapata [he/him]B
        4 years ago

        While this is certainly true there are plenty of stories on there of people giving life saving surgery to their dog and stuff. I'm sure some are posing but not all, I agree this isn't the revolution though. The thing that has revolutionary potential is the fact that the great powers of the world changed the rules of the game to screw these people over, proving capitalism to be rigged. The making money part isn't as important.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          While this is certainly true there are plenty of stories on there of people giving life saving surgery to their dog and stuff

          I mean I'm sure someone has given life saving surgery to their dog after winning at the casino.

          The thing that has revolutionary potential is the fact that the great powers of the world changed the rules of the game to screw these people over, proving capitalism to be rigged.

          I think people focus a bit too much on the "proving" part. Like, yeah, many if not most people know it after a while, they just learn to accept it. Libertarianism is an entire ideology centered around "it's rigged, we need moar capitalism to unrig it".