My favorite food is pineapple Thai curry with rice, which expands like delicious spicy concrete in the stomach. So like, maybe 2 bowls.
This. Oh god this. Especially if the chips are warm and crispy and the salsa is fresh. Bonus points if its so spicy the only way to cool down your mouth is to keep eating the salsa. Infinite feedback loop.
Your description is perfect, I’m gonna be thinking about this until I get a chance to go enjoy some in a good Mexican restaurant
probably 10-12 tacos. i've eaten 7-8 many times, so if i was hungry enough it shouldn't be too hard.
I make really good mac and cheese. I once made a 16oz box of pasta, threw together a bechamel, added cheddar, gouda, and gruyere, mixed it all together, and then ate the entirety of it over the course of about an hour.
I'd wager that if I was really trying I could eat at least twice that.
Bags of Flaming hot Cheetos. I’ll end up destroying mad insides though.
Tex-Mex tacos, five of them safely, all eight tortillas worth if I do not care about feeling like absolute crap afterwards. It will probably change once I get older and my metabolism lowers, but for now I can inhale a ton of food no problem.
Unfortunately the answer to this for me is probably red wine. Until I pass out is the consistent answer, probably like 4 bottles if I was just trying to say fuck the world
Food: About half a large pizza. I can force myself to go bigger, but I don't anymore - not just because I want to lose weight, but also because that was a really unhealthy way to live.
Drink: Sweet tea, or really pure, cold water. I have and probably will again drink a gallon+ at one time. Before I get to two I have to stop though. Come to think of it, drinking this much sweet tea is probably worse than eating the entire pizza, but I haven't done it with tea in ages.