We've finally found someone we hate more than each other

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    There's a reason "leftists and infighting, name a more iconic duo" is an ongoing joke. I think part of it is because we care more about the shit we talk about. Libs don't have that problem, they just regurgitate whatever MSNBC tells them too.

    • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think part of it is because we care more about the shit we talk about.

      I'd wager that's true.

      I'd also wager a lot of shit divisive to the left is artificially signal boosted by malicious actors, be it social media platforms, political shill networks, chuds, or alphabet boys,

      Why are all anarchist subs on reddit dominated by anti-tankie content rather than pro-anarchist content? Why do more than 15 people who know who Jimmy Dore is? Why is your stance on [COUNTRY YOU'VE ONLY SEEN THROUGH THE MEDIA] so important to strangers?

      Libs don’t have that problem, they just regurgitate whatever MSNBC tells them to

      Fash, cons, and libs are not ideologically rigorous, and that plays to their strength.

      The best thing you can do to help prevent this is to avoid making your positions or ideology your identity. We all need to pound the phrase "MATERIAL CONDITIONS" into our collective heads to the point that we instinctively repeat it every time we hear some divisive shit. Every time you see factions forming, ask yourself:

      • "Is my stance on this materially impactful to the world?"
      • "Is this issue important enough to be worth fracturing organization into two camps?"
      • "Is this something we cannot afford to lose?"
      • "Can I think of someone who would be hurt by my complacency?"

      If your answer is "no", it is probably a waste of your time. Steer conversation to the meaningful things. Not every question demands you pick a side or have an opinion. Who cares which side you stand on the "was Stalin good or bad?" debate? Who cares what your hypothetical ideal would look like? You can make arguments without further encouraging people to build an identity out of theirs. Remember, that dipshit with bad takes was probably you at some point. It may still be. We are all at different stages in our development.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Absolutely agree. Especially with the force the vote thing, it seemed like there were some bad faith (ha) actors boosting the arguments that caused rifts among the left. Very good advice.

        • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
          4 years ago


          I'd love to force a floor vote on Medicare for All & get some Dems on record voting against it. In reality, it would've inevitably failed, but clearing the names of some Dems who wouldn't actually vote for it in the process by allowing them to vote for a bill they know will fail. Vote = unforced, but now some people prematurely think AOC and the Squad are big phonies. Demsoc/Socdems will never deliver, but if people stop believing in them without stopping their belief in bourgeious democracy, people are just gonna run to the next politican that seems hip and honest. We want people running towards non-revisionist Marxism, not Andrew Yang I'll feign belief/enthusiasm so their failures bring people closer to seeing tearing it all down as the only solution.

          If your plan doesn't involve making capitalists choose between two degrees of uncomfortableness, you will fail. Pressuring [good politician] to pressure [bad politician] to do [good thing] is always worthless.