We've finally found someone we hate more than each other

  • Infamousblt [any]
    4 years ago

    We hate a lot of people more than each other. Leftists stop fighting other leftists as soon as we have someone better to bully.

    I think the REAL takeaway here is that we need to just keep finding hateful idiots to bully

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    fOr sTaRtInG An aPp fOr wOmEn?? i mEaN, sErIoUsLy??

    Hey Sall, if you're reading this, I'm begging you to eat my ass.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Oh she knows what outlets she is tweeting at. Especially the Daily Mail won't try to pretend to be pro trans.

    • Gayan [undecided]
      4 years ago

      Tbf any propaganda is good. More and more terfs will see this mess and cluster on the app. The trans people that are complaining and random internet socialists weren't her target audience to begin with. Talking about her will only make her profit, I believe.

        • Gayan [undecided]
          4 years ago

          That's like making a troll account of facebook. You will probably get banned, but before that will give them ad revenue and more data. That's how evil shit prospers in capitalism. It festers despite being bad just because people talk about it. Huge corporations get the benefit of both exploitation and free propaganda from the criticism. Its the cycle of bullshit that you can't stop.

        • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
          4 years ago


          Here's exactly how this is working right now: (actual numbers not for scale)

          • Say 10,000 women see Sall's posts who wouldn't have without the "controversial" nature boosting because of "engagement".
          • 500 see that and say "hell yeah, love me some terf shit!" , and 475 of those download the app.
          • 3,000 say "yay feminism! :) those men are mad about women having an app" and don't even notice that a good portion of her content is transphobic. Of these, 3,000 download the app.
          • 3,500 say "ew transphobia", and 2,500 actively avoid the app, but 100 women say "hmm I'd like a women's-only space even if the CEO is kinda transphobic", and download the app anyway.
          • 1000 say "women-only app? that's racist against white men", but 25 people say "I'm gonna download it and see if I can get in then take screenshots to make dank posts on [misogynistic/anti-SJW subreddit]."

          So in total, that's:

          • 3,500 new downloads that would not have happened without her transphobic posts and the response to them
          • 1,250 women from those 2,500 people now refuse to use the app because of transphobia.

          Already absolutely worth it for her But then the bonus round kicks in.

          • 0 new users directly from the 25 trolls that go and create a few posts in r/misogyny_emporium and r/incel_safespace, omitting any mention of transphobia.
          • 2,500 new users from those trolls' hate being picked up by r/againsthatesubreddits and r/trollXchromosomes, bringing visibility to the app, but washed clean of the context of transphobia.

          So that's now 6,000 users drawn in to the app purely because of transphobic antics. When your app is small, you need all the activity you can get to have a platform with content that makes people want to come back...so the transphobia literallty puts money in shareholders pockets, and then hers by proxy. She has now successfully exploited the divide between terfs and real feminists to make a buncha money.

          Meanwhile some paper's editor right now is like hmm white woman girl-boss CEO? We (our advertisers) love those! When you're a shitrag who will elevate any story to avoid people noticing the lack of systemic critiques, you'll do whatever you can to help fill your pages with uncritical slop, so I wouldn't be surprised if it got picked up as a story. Nice, liberal outlets probably won't want to be seen spinning transphobia as a good thing, as some libs might be turned off, so they'll either omit it entirely or just report on the controversy. No matter what their narrative, she wins by gaining her app users, even if more people view her as a transphobe after. It's just a matter of 10,000 vs 1,000. She knows what she's doing, whether or not her transphobia is genuine.

          I could totally see one of the following headlines:

          • "Creator & CEO of Women's Exclusive Social Network Receives Avalanche of Death Threats from Men"
          • "Inside the War between an All-Women's Community and Radical Communist Internet Forum"
          • "How an App Just for Women Outraged Far Left Social Network"
          • "Transphobic AI? New Social Network Creates Controversy by Using AI to Filter Out Men"

          Whether/what story they run depends on how they weigh:

          • Acknowledging transphobia vs. Celebrating white girl-boss CEO.
          • Driving new users to "left-extremism" community vs. Generating political will crush "left-extremism" website by "both-sides"ing us with Parlor.

          This is how capitalists use controversy to amplify their message/products.

      • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yep. All press is good press. The app is only going to gain users from generating attention, bad or otherwise.

        Although, I think basing the core community off of transphobes is a great way to guarantee her platform has a ceiling. Her potential userbase is feminist women, who tend not to transphobia and are usually socially aware enough to see through the "we need to hate trans people to protect women!" bullshit. If terfs dominate it from the beginning, new users will come in, see lots of terf shit, then delete the app. Given the way the app is designed and promoted, I'd say she's guaranteeing it's mostly terfs. Ironically, their method to eliminate toxicity is going to generate a more toxic community than it would have otherwise...all the non-terfs will probably end up still preferring Tumblr.

    • Rem [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's literally just trying to call the manager

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Weah weah, people are treating me 1/1000th as poorly as I treat an entire group of oppressed people. Weah weah I have feelings that trans women don't for reasons I can prove using AI bone analysis.

    Sall's just mad because she can never transition to being someone other than Sall.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It's weird. It must be our proximity to one another as to why we annoy each other so much. Because while we can be annoying, we all dream of full communism. Meanwhile America exists and is full of libs and conservatives. Beyond them, there's plenty of TERFs, str*ights, PMCs, cops, cop sympathizers, troops, and fucking billionaires. But somehow we find the time to be upset about pronouns and downbear buttons. Curious 🧐

    edit: I wanted to be succinct, but in case there's any doubt I meant that episode where we got upset that we had to put our pronouns on our account.

    • Phish [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      There's a reason "leftists and infighting, name a more iconic duo" is an ongoing joke. I think part of it is because we care more about the shit we talk about. Libs don't have that problem, they just regurgitate whatever MSNBC tells them too.

      • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think part of it is because we care more about the shit we talk about.

        I'd wager that's true.

        I'd also wager a lot of shit divisive to the left is artificially signal boosted by malicious actors, be it social media platforms, political shill networks, chuds, or alphabet boys,

        Why are all anarchist subs on reddit dominated by anti-tankie content rather than pro-anarchist content? Why do more than 15 people who know who Jimmy Dore is? Why is your stance on [COUNTRY YOU'VE ONLY SEEN THROUGH THE MEDIA] so important to strangers?

        Libs don’t have that problem, they just regurgitate whatever MSNBC tells them to

        Fash, cons, and libs are not ideologically rigorous, and that plays to their strength.

        The best thing you can do to help prevent this is to avoid making your positions or ideology your identity. We all need to pound the phrase "MATERIAL CONDITIONS" into our collective heads to the point that we instinctively repeat it every time we hear some divisive shit. Every time you see factions forming, ask yourself:

        • "Is my stance on this materially impactful to the world?"
        • "Is this issue important enough to be worth fracturing organization into two camps?"
        • "Is this something we cannot afford to lose?"
        • "Can I think of someone who would be hurt by my complacency?"

        If your answer is "no", it is probably a waste of your time. Steer conversation to the meaningful things. Not every question demands you pick a side or have an opinion. Who cares which side you stand on the "was Stalin good or bad?" debate? Who cares what your hypothetical ideal would look like? You can make arguments without further encouraging people to build an identity out of theirs. Remember, that dipshit with bad takes was probably you at some point. It may still be. We are all at different stages in our development.

        • Phish [he/him, any]
          4 years ago

          Absolutely agree. Especially with the force the vote thing, it seemed like there were some bad faith (ha) actors boosting the arguments that caused rifts among the left. Very good advice.

          • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
            4 years ago


            I'd love to force a floor vote on Medicare for All & get some Dems on record voting against it. In reality, it would've inevitably failed, but clearing the names of some Dems who wouldn't actually vote for it in the process by allowing them to vote for a bill they know will fail. Vote = unforced, but now some people prematurely think AOC and the Squad are big phonies. Demsoc/Socdems will never deliver, but if people stop believing in them without stopping their belief in bourgeious democracy, people are just gonna run to the next politican that seems hip and honest. We want people running towards non-revisionist Marxism, not Andrew Yang I'll feign belief/enthusiasm so their failures bring people closer to seeing tearing it all down as the only solution.

            If your plan doesn't involve making capitalists choose between two degrees of uncomfortableness, you will fail. Pressuring [good politician] to pressure [bad politician] to do [good thing] is always worthless.

    • SimAnt [any]
      4 years ago

      the "narcissism of small differences"

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    4 years ago

    By transcending the endless cycle of struggle sessions, Chapo.chat is now on the golden path to enlightenment