"Yes we understand the problems but instead of tackling poverty and widespread hunger and pollution let's just reduce 99.999% of the population by not having babies, which is a totally sensible way to solve the climate catastrophe"

  • grisbajskulor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Massive lib alert: back in the day I read Hans Rosling's Factfulness (a public health expert, funded largely by Bill Gates) and despite huge anti-communist sentiments in the book, there's actually really good discussions on this stuff. Main takeaway for me is that there are a bunch of these issues most people are just entirely wrong about (like full access to abortion actually leads to fewer abortions). The argument made in this context is that over-population is a symptom of poverty, and a reduction of poverty ends the cycle of overpopulation, which is why we're seeing massive decline in birth rates in rich countries.

    So r*dditors, if you get turned on at the thought of reducing the world's population, try socialism!!