they legally have to let you vote. don't give up

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    4 years ago


    Forty-five years after the collapse of liberal democracy in America, one man never gave up the dream. Because he did not know the dream was dead. At a remote polling place in the wilds of Iowa in the year 2028, ten people were waiting in line to cast their votes: would they vote to give President Carlson a second term, or for the up-and-coming AOC? But at 10 pm their polling place suddenly went dark and silent. The would-be voters turned to their phones and found they had no service. Some members tried to get wifi from a nearby Starbucks to no avail. None of them knew what was happening, but they all knew that so long as they waited in line they would get to cast their vote and participate in the dream of the Founders. Yet, as the sun rose the next day, none of them knew that democracy was dead, seized in a hail of bullets and a torrent of blood by Dick Cheney in a mech-suit. With the phone lines down and the internet banned by Furher Cheney, the voters never learned this. Instead they waited. And waited. And waited. The town began to organize food drives. When the snows came they constructed temporary shelters around them, built bathroom facilities nearby to service them.

    But none of the townsfolk had the heart to tell these heroes what became of their country. So long as the voters waited, it was as if the old America still stood, it's proud dream intact.

    The years crept by slowly. One by one the voters died of old age or disease, and all those behind them would finally move up in the queue. Until this year, when revolutionary forces swept through Iowa to defeat the tyranny of the Old Ones who Cheney unleashed upon the world. Finally with some semblance of political order restored, party functionaries dug up old memorabilia from the time before and posed as poll workers, here at last to take the vote from the last living voter.

    So who won the 2028 election? With the one and only vote, Tucker Carlson. When asked why he voted for Carlson, 124 year old Jans Orman cited fears of immigrants and antifa.

    When asked for comments local party leaders, busy trying to reestablish large scale agriculture in the region, called the whole affair a "fucking waste of time."