Death to America

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The consent manufacturers are tired of not getting credit for their hard work, so they wanted a fucking Time piece about how they rig our perceptions without us noticing. Nice.

    Also I'm 90% sure this is mostly Bernie/primary rigging to make sure the "right guy" won.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah it's really unbelievable how they're not satisfied with how they rigged things to where they won everything, they have to be self-congratulatory about it and expect a pat on the back from the public. They don't even care how much fucking ammo this might potentially give the right-wing conspiracy CHUDs who genuinely believe the election was rigged against Trump by voter fraud.

      It's like how conservative CHUDs are infuriated that they are hegemonic in terms of political power, but are largely shut out of the cultural mainstream compared to liberals. For liberals, hegemonic cultural influence and finally get a W across the boards in terms of power aren't enough, they need the public to adore them unconditionally for it all as well no matter how bad the subtext might be.

      I'm half-tempted to actually send this article to my CHUD parents who believe the election was fraudulent, but I'm concerned it will do a lot of fucking damage to them.

        • LeninsRage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Dunno, AFAIK they aren't actually terminally online, they just digest their media exclusively through Fox News and conservative talk radio

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Time is not a terminally online source lol. Fox and Limbaugh or whoever has absolutely already read it and said something about it.

            • LeninsRage [he/him]
              4 years ago

              What I meant by that is that the most likely way they would have encountered this article organically is by hanging out in QAnon circles, where some CHUDs might have shared this around to confirm their own preconceived conclusions on the election. Luckily, I haven't lost my parents to QAnon. Unfortunately their regard for QAnon is that they think it is a false flag made up by the media to discredit conservatives. They expressed this to me over Christmas, I've yet to ask them how this reconciles with the Capitol riot.

        • thrown_away_dev [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I already seen this on my fb feed from a chud friend. If he didn't find it himself it was digested and regurgitated by the federalist.

      • late90smullbowl [they/them]
        4 years ago

        I’m concerned it will do a lot of fucking damage to them.

        Deja vu here. Also have chuds and have had that feeling more and more recently.

      • blobjim [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They don’t even care how much fucking ammo this might potentially give the right-wing conspiracy CHUDs who genuinely believe the election was rigged against Trump by voter fraud.

        They do. This is the whole reason they wrote the article. They literally want right-wing idiots to think the "left" stole the election or at least that the liberals are trying to destroy the right-wing (and not that they actually support it).

    • dolphinhuffer [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Also I’m 90% sure this is mostly Bernie/primary rigging to make sure the “right guy” won.

      "Cool, I won Iowa! Anyway, I'll just show myself out now. " - :pete:

    • late90smullbowl [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Also I’m 90% sure this is mostly Bernie/primary rigging to make sure the “right guy” won.

      That sure was something in Iowa. Bernie's team waiting around for votes to be counted and all that bullshit, playing by the rules like fools. You know, like every other Iowa primary in the past. Biden had already moved onto the next state: "Later suckers, we probably won or something, onwards! Momentum? We're just taking it with us lol"