Fuck every cop that did their job

    • Tatoes [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Love kropotkin, but i don't think he would successfully fight off an armed insurrection of fascists hell-bent on installing an authoritarian dictatorship by giving them bread

      • regenerativedespair [she/her]
        4 years ago

        It was just a meme, but since we are talking more seriously now, I think it bears reflecting whether getting caught up in the electoral/symbolic chess game the government has constructed here is beneficial to people of our political persuasion.

        It's part of a narrative which reifies liberal/centrist power, and moreover there was the woman who was executed by the police (i believe she was unarmed? Not sure). it makes people of our perspective seem incoherent in our critique/understanding of the state.

        • Tatoes [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          but since we are talking more seriously now, I think it bears reflecting whether getting caught up in the electoral/symbolic chess game the government has constructed here is beneficial to people of our political persuasion.

          If I have to choose between upholding electoralism or ceding ground to fascists who are willing to seize power by force to permanently install minority rule, i'm picking electoralism. Every time.

          • regenerativedespair [she/her]
            4 years ago

            I mean, you aren't upholding or ceding anything though. You're just participating discursively after the fact. This is my point, you see?

            • Tatoes [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              I don't see how. I think Trump SHOULD be convicted and the senators and congresspeople who aided and abetted should be removed from office. This is a historic opportunity to purge congress of belligerent actors who are hostile to democratic self governance and I think it's the Democratic Party would be whiffing on a major opportunity to consolidate power by molly-whopping the republicans into submission.

              The fact that I don't think they'll seize that opportunity doesn't really change my desire to see them do it. Not sure how else I could "participate" beyond my role as a citizen.

              • regenerativedespair [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Not sure how else I could “participate”

                You can't participate, it's their game-- not yours. Get me?

                As far as this vengeance/power-grab idea, it would probably not be a good idea to poke the sleeping bear of domestic insurgency like that. Just like Obama did with Bush, Biden will be cutting some backroom deal with Trump, or at least attempting to. Accountability thru the law will be a last resort, and probably not happen. I mean, from their perspective, they got the peaceful transfer of power now, they don't need more confrontation with other bourgeois forces. The symbolic conflict has, essentially, served its purpose for them.

                • Tatoes [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  , they got the peaceful transfer of power now,

                  no they didn't. That phrase has to mean something. The autogolpe attempt, by definition, renders the transfer of power hostile, not peaceful

                    • Tatoes [none/use name]
                      4 years ago

                      no. there is a delineation that must be made between bourgeois democracy and fascism. This distinction is critical to understand when discussing political epochs

                      • regenerativedespair [she/her]
                        4 years ago

                        This is besides the point because, again, you do not get to pick, and moreover, working class people have no political agent or representative within bourgeois democracy.

                        There is no one to "do" anything except watch C-SPAN, when it comes to the issue of jan 6th, because the only people who were there were the congress, the rioters, and the police. We don't have a presence in the situation, therefore there is no point to discussing "what should we do". there's no we yet.