• abdul [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I wasn't aware of any of that but apparently the guy dropped all charges of discrimination and misgendering and focused on an altercation between him and her mom. Given her history of support to LGBTQ causes, I lean towards this being something more complicated than anything I'd feel comfortable trying her in the court of public opinion over.

        • abdul [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          It's possible. But theres no evidence for it. All we know for sure is that her family gave him free housing for handiwork until his hours were cut and then this story happened. That doesn't really sound like the actions of a family who have it out for trans-people to me, but thats just my opinion. My thinking here is more in line with this quote from the article from a self described queer fan of the show:

          I will always have some kind of reservation toward supporting someone who has had those kinds of allegations—just a little bit of hesitancy of not wanting to support someone who may have victimized someone. But if they’re part of an ensemble cast of something I already enjoy, I’m not going to initiate a boycott based on something that was thrown out of court and there’s absolutely nothing to point to here that says it’s a pattern. I feel bad for everyone involved. If it isn’t true, Rosario Dawson has been through all this hell for nothing. If it is true, what can we do about it now?

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 years ago

      According to the story her family held him down and beat the shit out of him while yelling slurs.