ElonMarx [comrade/them]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2021


  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    we would have been completely fine if he wasn’t comfortable with this information being shared.

    This doesn't mean anything because you made the choice to do it regardless. It should have been obvious that doing so to any user of this site is a horrible example, especially for building faith in a site that prides itself on privacy and protecting its users. Now the precedent is for any wild accusation fabricated by a cumtown poster, that user will have every bit of identifying information collected into an album and put on display pinned on the site.

    That's not how coercion works, it's implied pressure. He wrote several comments about how he was made to gave up control of the website, TC wrote about how he had been removed from everything.

    Transparency might be the thing you're going for, but you've endangered the person you're all pretending to support now and are unapologetic and unable to recognize how badly this was handled.

  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    What choice really does Beatnik have to consent to it or not when the entire admin team is calling him a suspected rapist.

    This is the entire implication of forcing him to give control of the site over, forcing him to step down from every mod position, stickying his accusations, and participating in the threads where people mock him and call him a variety of terms from rapist to groomer.

    For leftists you don't seem to have the concept of coercion, Beatnik was not in a position to ask for the info not to be publicized because it would have been "not cooperating with the investigation" as if you're all cops. It was on you to handle this better and not put him at further risk, as the acting admins of the site. Instead, you stickied all of the identifying information someone might need to target and harm him.

  • Vegans also care about giving undocumented people better opportunities and work conditions than the literal plantation conditions of a slaughterhouse.

    These people are given no choice but to work here or starve, and can't report abuses because of threat of deportation. John gives the example of a worker who had both hands crushed being forced to sign a contract waiving all liability with a pen in between his teeth.

    The respiratory issues that arise from working in a slaughterhouse mean most of them have gotten sick from breathing in the concentrated fumes.



    Switching demand from meat to plant agriculture means jobs with better working conditions for these people. Fighting for path to citizenship is a part of that.

  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Nonsense argument. The info was buried and the only people that would have found it would be the ones who cared to put in the effort to troll through pages of Reddit comments and posts.

    Making it centralized and publicized is a bad thing. "The info existed!" is no excuse for further doxxing someone. What choice really does Beatnik have to consent to it or not when the entire admin team is calling him a suspected rapist.

    Think before you act, this was not a good example. Now every potential wrecker or worse has collected access to all the info needed to find him.

  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    You pinned all the info and albums of his comments doxxing him. Further spreading that information to anyone who visits the site.

    Embarrassing behavior, especially if you think this was the right way to handle it and he is now safer for it.

  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]toscience*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Because you're making the argument that "This project is in no way “space armament”"

    So what is it? Why do we fund it? Seems like you agree that it's for the MIC, like I've been saying.

  • ElonMarx [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    You might be eating too much sugar in the first place if your sense of taste is that dulled. Tea has flavor, but the more sugar you're used to, the more you'll need to use to feel it.

    Not eating things with added sugar for a while would help to reset your tolerance for it, then sweet foods will taste very strong while normal things like unsweetened tea will have flavor you can distinguish.