Get yourself a pill gun. They're a game changer. None of that forcing a pill in their mouth and then watching them drool all over the place while they run around the house to get away from you. They don't even taste the pill if you do it right. Half the time my cat didn't have a clue what happened.
This is the best answer, if they won't eat a pill in a pill pocket or something
Having to use this thing sucks, but it's the only way I can get my cat to take a pill My cat loves these things and was upset when his pill regimen was over because he was looking forward to his treats. The vet recommended that first you give the cat a few that don't have a pill inside, just so they're not suspicious.
- Put it in an environment with tremendous existential stressors.
- Remove the vast majority of democratic control it and other cats have over those stressors.
- Send it to a doctor when it has trouble coping.
Kitty burrito in a bath towel, pop open the mouth, throw the pill. All as fast as possible so it's done with before the cat knows what hit them.
Then of course treats and love.
This is the technique I use. An important thing he's doing but not explicitly describing is moving smoothly and decisively. If you aren't confident in what you are doing, the cat will pick up on that.
You gotta basically drop it deep back in their throat so their gag reflex swallows it. I’m sure there are videos online for how to pull a cat.
Do you have to ground up the pills? A lot of pills don't taste anything when whole. I know cats tend to be a bit smarter, but for my dogs I just put the entire thing in a tiny ball of liver pâté and they eat it without question.
Sorry about your dog, it's awful when pets pass away, and hope you figure things out with your cat. Like someone else said, the vet might have some suggestions if nothing else works
Have you tried hand feeding her food with the pill in your hand? It's been a while since I've had a cat but I remember I did manage to give him a pill by doing that and swiftly throwing it in his mouth while he was trying to eat the dry food off my hand. Although be careful because I have been accidentally bitten while feeding my cat.
Otherwise just call the vet and ask if you are allowed to grind up the pills, and put it in a small ball of wet food.
I ground them up and put the pill dust in her food
wet food or dry food?
you got the meds from a vet right? if you call your vet and ask about it they may have some suggestions, that's what I did
Pilling a cat, depending on the cat, isn't that bad. Hold them tight, pull back their head straight up and their mouth will open. Drop the pill in the back of their throat. Done properly and quickly, it's manageable. Maybe a youtube video "pilling a cat". Otherwise what other people are saying ITT
i imagine fish would be good
might also start associating pills with treats
assuming your cat likes fish