• Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're overestimating the role the US plays in these things. It was the coup government that fucked up, not the US. And I don't think anything would change had they killed Morales. Also it's not Trump or whomever is president that is in charge of these things. Presidents don't personally do as much as people think.

        • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I think it mostly failed because Evo was just that popular. Easier to stage a coup if there are people in the country who genuinely dislike the leader.

          Also, the POTUS signs off on shit but it’s the Pentagon and the CIA that actually run the show. Unless Trumps stupid aura affected them idk why it’d would matter if he’s a dingle berry .

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I argue that Morales' death would have galvanised the left and prevented absolutely nothing. If anything it would have made it easier to mobilise the masses as they would have been even angrier than they were. What was in motion there had become much bigger than Morales himself even if he was essential in getting it there.

  • late90smullbowl [they/them]
    4 years ago

    So this kind of lawfare is the future, with the effectively infinite US surveillance, intel and analytical resources able to push just far enough to achieve their aims while keeping the EU on board. Being omnipotent, having sight of all the data in real time and having the power to react, changes the game.

    He who has the best dashboard wins?

    Every election result is contested beyond the limits of the law whenever the right loses, backed by security apparatus foreign and domestic.

    Even when the left wins by a landslide, it's now not enough. They will never get a recount or an international mobilization when they lose.

    Hope MAS is consolidating to prevent a repeat of 2019.

      • late90smullbowl [they/them]
        4 years ago

        dem graphs. such pretty pictures they paint.

        How do we escape their metrics tho? A separate encrypted, RF, one-to-many device for political activism and organising? I'm down. Always room in my life for another device lol.

  • grym [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Oh For fuck's sake. Can't fucking leave latin america alone for a second. I guess this is the real first achievement of the biden administration, america's back :agony-acid:

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The popular leftist candidate you mean Yaku Perez the dude who campaigned for the banker? He has been total friends with the right wing dude till now.

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Arauz is centre left ("Correista") and won the first round with 30%, then you have the indigenous "leftist" Yaku Perez and fucking liberal (right wing/fascist) Lasso in 2nd/3rd with 20%.

        Perez campaigned for Lasso in previous elections "cuz Correismo is the greater evil so we must ally with this fascist banker who want us dead, that's the logical thing to do, obviously" :capitalist-woke:

        Some real malinchistas hours who up :pika-pickaxe:

        And of course is expected that outaiders just see "indigenous leftist" and automatixally think that's the good guy.

          • RNAi [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Oh for fuck sakes he's cartoonishly bootlicker

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          And of course is expected that outaiders just see “indigenous leftist” and automatixally think that’s the good guy.

          This is exactly the play. They have been coopting Wiphala flags too in order to muddy the waters

          They are the enemy in this case, anyone walking in lockstep with US foreign policy is to be looked at with extreme suspicion.

      • late90smullbowl [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Confused by all this? I sure af was. This pod ep lays it all out, including the interconnections with other neighbouring countries and exposes the model of future US Imperialism in the region. It's essential listening to understand the situation imo. Moderate Rebels pod - It's available in the podcast feed too. I listened to it twice to get it straight lol.


    • CommCat [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yaku Perez is not leftist, he's a CIA/NED OP, he had a total image makeover to look like an indigenous environmentalist. The last campaign he ran, he looked like a clean cut businessman, but this time he grew his hair long and changed his name to Yaku. He supports the coup attempts in Bolivia and Venezuela, basically anything the US line in South America. As someone pointed out previously, the CIA is now "Woke", they know how to pull the heartstrings of liberal identity politics. They see someone portraying themselves as an indigenous environmentalist, and they automatically assume he's the leftist. Let politics take command, don't just look at the surface.

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Well it's a good thing they are so stupid to pick some shitstain and change his image insyead of fucking picking a rando with that look since years ago.

        Anyways people have less memory span than a dead mosquito so,

  • 1eyed_bunny [she/her]
    4 years ago

    You all really need to stop trusting Ben Norton takes on Ecuador lol or even just generally anything coming out of Gray Zone.

    Like what's the conspiracy? The CIA rigged the election for yaku, then unrigged it for lasso?

    Also I get the need to defend Correa against libs but since this is a leftist forum you should be able to recognize that Correa was really awful, particularly towards the end of his presidency with the way he betrayed Yasuni and just generally the indigenous population. Like Literally their ML party said it was worth it to vote for the banker against Moreno last election for damage control it was so bad.

    Also yes he did give shelter to assange but meanwhile he was attacking free press domestically and even gave himself his own show which is why he has a trump like reputation among a lot of the principled leff there.

    Not to mention in the past week he's come out as pro life bc hedonistic women don't need abortions and gay rights don't matter and are just a distraction to his principled leftism.

    And he may have been against the US and IMF but he also got them like 8billion dollars in oil debt to China that is going to require destroying some of the most biosiverse regions of the entire Amazon to repay.

    Like I know class reductionism isn't actually a thing and tankie has kinda lost its meaning but Correa could easily be insulted with both.