You should die so that five or six men can make more money by building substandard infrastructure and charging extortionary prices to a captive market. :brace-cowboy:
Yesterday I saw a couple loading an AK, AR, and shotgun into their car, the man open carried a pistol.
I like to think they also had a list of politicians and lackeys responsible for this. Just like, for reference at bar trivia that they were surely going to.
Sadly in this state, that couple is about to try and grief some fucking Democratic county official who has no control.over any of this
Or worse, a random Austin Energy crew. I heard in that COA press conference today that they've been getting harassed on the job.
I would say "unbelievable" but frankly this is a whole country of Karens.
As my toes turn blue and fall off, I feel a sudden warmth spreading through my body. The warmth is the pleasure I'm feeling knowing I have escaped the tyranny of big government.
Im sure Perry is out here roughing it with no water or power like the rest of us
In communist Russia, countless lives are sacrificed for the sake of ideological purity
"Father, I cannot feel my toes." "Son, frostbite is but a small price to pay for a poorly regulated power system. Stay strong. The free market will find a solution."
Remember when he couldn't name the Department of Energy in a debate and then became the head of it
Reality is really becoming a Simpson's bit...
This is literally a Burns quote.