I know posting theory on AO3 has become kind of a meme now, but don't get people's hope's up for a great fic only for it to turn out to be some fucking pamphlet 😭 Pls, I wanted to read it 😭😭😭

  • Haedda [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Ok, but more seriously, spamming tags is not cool, even if this is for a good cause, besides I doubt this will actually make someone read the theory. They will just be irritated that they were cheated by the content's description. I guess if you want to post it that badly, at least be upfront about it, don't lie in the summary, because that's just so mean and I really don't think it helps your cause... Just makes people feel cheated and mad.

    I'm sorry, yes, I know this is maybe not the biggest of problems and all, but that is how I feel about this whole AO3 theory thing 🤷

  • discontinuuity [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So who are you gonna to ship next? Lenin and Trotsky? Che and Fidel? Khrushchev and corn? :corn-man-khrush:

  • Lerios [hy/hym]
    4 years ago

    i understand your point, because i only read the image at first and left to go find it... :doomjak: