I'm so grateful to the engagement with the sources last week, you're all awesome!
In part one, the pieces were more identity focused, today I'm posting for specific facets of fatphobia that may be of interest.
As a reminder, these fall in the area of Fat Studies and there's some norms you should be aware of:
- "fat" is taken as a neutral descriptor, think of it as reclaiming the word.
- "obese" arbitrarily medicalises fatness and Others fat people
On capitalism and food
On fat and gender
On fat representation in the media
On the "Health at Every Size" movement
can we also stop being mean to me because Im so short while we're at it :(
This. I have ZERO problems with being short. It does however bother me when people just straight up harass me over it. Like what the fuck?
I mean, I was half being ironic or whatever, but yeah. You don't really get to complain about it, because you're still a man and this is ultimately your world, and its not other girls calling any of the tall girls names in school so its a male perpetuated thing in the first place but it does suck a little.
is it okay to call you cute, just asking
Oh I would love that, fire away captain