I'm so grateful to the engagement with the sources last week, you're all awesome!

In part one, the pieces were more identity focused, today I'm posting for specific facets of fatphobia that may be of interest.

As a reminder, these fall in the area of Fat Studies and there's some norms you should be aware of:

  • "fat" is taken as a neutral descriptor, think of it as reclaiming the word.
  • "obese" arbitrarily medicalises fatness and Others fat people

On capitalism and food


On fat and gender


On fat representation in the media


On the "Health at Every Size" movement



👉 Part 3 is up

  • maeve [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Thank you for putting this together and working to educate the community.

    I'm a fat lady, been fat my whole life, and really dove into the FA movement in like 2008 when I found Kate Harding's blog, Shapely Prose (RIP), and a bunch of other related Fat Blogs. I wasn't looking for an excuse to be fat, but I guess I needed reassurance that I could still be fat and live a happy life and that's okay. Does this mean I'm immune to fatphobia? No. Sometimes I find myself judging people who are larger than me. Which is fucked up, I know. There's still work I need to do to unlearn my own internalized fatphobia, both towards myself and other fat people.

    The word Fat is so fun to say. Fat fat fat.