Israel must surrender at once in the face of this horror oooaaaaaaauhhh

This is a very funny concept Israel has made up. How many 9/11’s is it if two guys in Vatican city die from clonking their head together like the Three Stooges.

Also please watch the video to see an old man's brain dissolving like a wedding cake dumped in a septic tank:

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The story this codger is pushing makes me think of DBZ escalation:

    "Yeah, the Taliban had a big powerlevel, they could pull off a whole 9/11, but we beat them lol and now we need to beat Hamas, who are powerful enough to pull off an attack 15 times greater! Pretty soon, we'll need to be fighting the ultimate terrorist organization, the Sissy Pee, who are so powerful that with their Wuhan Flu they have done like a million 9/11s without a single gun involved!"

    • djphdk [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Oh no! Hamas has achieved True Ultra Instinct! goku-halal