Hating anime is cringe

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    There are too many leftists that take only the bad traits and use that to discard the whole thing. Anime as if it is all the same which is just sad.

    Yeah it is often reactionary. Have you looked at Japan? And it often has shitty themes, yep clearly most of it is made to appeal to Japanese middle aged salarymen/NEET virgins because they spent their entire teenage years cramming for some shitty exam and then spent their adult years working 16h a day in an office full of men.

    So yeah there are some very shitty anime and this causes some people to disregard the whole genre and so when there are some very great anime they wont know or care about it. Ah yes and when they say "anime" they tend to forget Miyazaki shit is the same "anime" as [generic teenage incest romcom] so that is always fun to see the double standard.

    But anime is sort of taboo because it is too niche, so it is easy to hate and not feel like you are missing anything. Some people are just hypocrites too given that by if they used the same metrics to judge other media they would also have to give up like 80% of all movies and TV not just because of the reactionary/lib dominated world but because Hollywood is literally pedophile/rapist paradise. And the music industry as well unless you fancy financing exploitative record labels that fuck over artists.

    It is a hell world, if you hate things to the point of not considering it beyond the surface level and appearances then you'll just alienate yourself, become miserable, never consume or do anything because everything is never more than a few steps away from a connection to straight fascism or liberalism(or both).

    As for anime, anyone that cares enough to watch the good stuff wont have problems finding it just pick any Kyoto stuff or any of the recent popular movies etc...

    Also China is making their own original anime too so that is a struggle session coming to you soon.