In the past, concessions would be given to workers to stave off talk of revolution. Think of the new deal, etc.

These days, whether through incompetence or ideological intent (the end result is the same so the distinction doesn’t matter much to me), the ruling class just will not allow any pumping of the brakes, any tiny release valve to stop the pressure building.

I find it a fascinating phenomenon that they are incapable of doing something positive for society, even to save their own skin. It baffles me, especially considering how successful it has been in the past.

  • sayssanford [none/use name]
    4 years ago
    1. There is more juice to squeeze. We are nowhere near the point of unsustainability

    2. There is no political movement strong enough to force concessions

    3. The USA isnt unique in this regard. It's all really a matter of how much suffering people can take. Governmetns in poor countries have made their people suffer much worse without facing any real repercussions.