What a fucking breath of fresh air. Never watched it because I thought it would be lame since there's never any fighting. But fuck me it stands in stark contrast to all other media. It shows a future I actually want to live in. Everything else is some dystopian, violence ridden, dim look on humanity. Don't get me wrong I love a good dystopia but wow.

Fuck now I'm a nerd send help.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'll always love Undiscovered Country because it gave us Christopher Plummer as a one eyed Klingon general (whose eyepatch is bolted to his skull, what a badass!) who quotes Shakespeare while blasting torpedoes at his foes. What a fun character.

    • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      My absolute favourite joke in that film is when Bones, and I think Spock, are loading up a torpedo to fire at Chang's ship and he's once again quoting Shakespeare over the comm channel, and Bones is just like "does this guy ever shut up?" lol

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Lmao! I almost referenced that exact part! You hear Chang say "I AM AS CONSTANT AS THE NORTHERN STAR" and then Bones says that quip. It's fantastic. A toast to your good taste, comrade. Edit: Yeah its Spock. He asks Bones to help him "Doctor, would you mind assisting me with performing surgery on a torpedo?"

        Okay so maybe I've seen this movie too many times, don't @ me.

        • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          It's a good movie and weirdly not that talked about for some reason. II and IV come up a lot in Star Trek conversation but VI is really solid but I feel doesn't get mentioned as much.

          It also has a character in it called Worf and he's played by Michael Dorn but he's also not that Worf played by Michael Dorn which is weird.

          It also has René Auberjonois play one of the villains. He was called Colonel West which was a jab at Lt. Colonel Oliver North.

          Another recurring character is Chang's ship getting blown up, where the scene shows up in Generations (where it's portraying the Duras sisters ship) because Paramount were cheap fucks, I guess.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I knew about the way they pretended Worf was a different Worf in TNG but I didn't know about the Oliver North joke nor the part where they reused the SFX shot of Chang's ship blowing up. Awesome trivia bits, thanks for those, I'll have to tell my Trek (original series and the old movies) father about those bits the next time we talk. He was the one that introduced me to Star Trek because he used to watch it in its original broadcast back in ye olden times. When the Sci Fi channel re-ran the original series we'd tape it on VHS and watch it together later on after he got home from work (it used to air in the mid afternoon if I'm not mistaken, back in like 1998/1999)

            The real joke is that he doesn't quite understand why I am such an ardent socialist. Sorry dad, you showed me a better future, don't blame me for doubling down.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            4 years ago

            It also has Sisko's dad and the dude who plays Martok is in there somewhere. I was watching the movie with the subtitle commentary by Micheal Okuda and there may actually be more DS9 actors than TOS ones in that movie.