idk why I do this to myself- on reddit, arguing about the AUMF and here these idiots are saying that Saddam didn't have sovereignty rights because he was a dictator- which is guess is free reign to drop white phosphorus on people? Jesus fucking christ- and some other loser on there saying that voting works! We got 20 million more people healthcare (that covers nothing and can barely afford) so that's proof voting works!

    • ChairmanSpongebob [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah that's one thing- these internet loons were still trying to justify it. I've had that same experience you did tho too, my friends boomer parents were watching pbs election coverage back in November, up here in Canada, and they were asking who's this David Frum fellow? Yeah a scumbag Iraq war promoter, but its cool now because he's worried about Trump winning again. Must be a good guy.

      • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I'm not saying Trump's entire presidency was a psy op to cover for everyone else in Washington but he couldn't have done a better job of it if it were.

    • sandinista209 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, I’ve noticed that with a lot of lib friends I talk to. Whenever I tell them being in the Middle East is making things worse, they’ll just say it sucks but we need to be there to keep the peace (yeah right). They’re pretty much fine with the US acting as a permanent occupying force at this point.

    • Circra [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I dunno if people don't care. I mean, if you are talking about the bit players, sure, but at least in the UK people seem to care about the major players.

      For instance, whenever Blair sticks his oar in on one side of a political debate and it's publicised, the other side gets a bit of a boost. His entire brand so to speak is amazingly toxic outside a small enclave of London centrists. He is remembered as the PM who lied to start an illegal, stupid war.

      • Sushi_Desires
        3 years ago

        How do these people still not see Starmer as a centroid Op? Sometimes I am up too late and I catch waves of British leftposting, and they seem constantly bewildered?

  • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I was in a bookstore the other day, and they had a small "war on terror" section. Most of it was "Cool army guy do cool shooty-shooty stuff." Then there were books on ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban, groups that any Westerner wouldn't want to exist. It's setting up a pipeline of "this is a problem" to "violence is how we fix it".

    Context is sadly missing. The other side is missing. The actual human consequences are missing.

    If you step back, it's easy to see the whole thing was a disaster, morally and militarily. But some people don't do that. To them, individual stories of soldiers and terror victims are all there is.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      So many problems would be almost instantly solved by the US NOT SELLING FUCKING WEAPONS TO ISIS . The Iraqi army (mostly regular fucking people that just want to be left alone like writers, engineers, farmers, etc.) Is still using soviet surplus while ISIS has brand new AR-15s and night vision goggles as well as armored units that the Iraqi civilian army has no access to.

      Don't know if it's still as bad as it was in 2015, but God damn was that a problem entirely created by America.

      • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        The US didn't sell weapons to ISIS. They sold weapons to Moderate Rebels™ who defected to ISIS. And left a bunch of untrained militiamen to guard giant arsenals ar the epicenter of a growing Al Qaeda network. And flooded the black market with guns.

        But hey, at least they got rid of evil bad guy dictaor Bushar Al Assad.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
          3 years ago

          You say that like the US wasn't aware that that was happening/could happen and doesn't continue to pump weapons into Saudi Arabia knowing full well that ISIS is getting their hands on a lot of that weaponry.

    • ChairmanSpongebob [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They can't do that! But did you hear? Tehran is EVIL! "You seem woefully ignorant about how EVIL Tehran actually is" kill me

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    3 years ago

    We had to kill 1.8 million Iraqis, you dont understand, it was to stop Saddam Hussein who killed 250k!

  • spez_hole [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    There was a whole generation of neocons. I'm more upset with 99.9% of liberals ignoring Obama's war crimes

  • kuttarbaccha [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's because a lot of Americans are very uncritical of their media institutions and government propaganda. It's difficult to fault them for it, since this is not unique to Americans, however what is unique to America is how destructive the country is on the global stage. For most countries fervent nationalism and jingoism is basically restricted to some prejudice, some unearned pride in achievements of others, and a little bit of playful banter against their neighboring countries/cultures. Whereas for America, it involves defending the genocide, ethnic cleansing and destruction of entire countries and regions.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    3 years ago

    Racism, brain-dead nationalism, and chronic contrarianism is responsible for most of those dweebs