...Is the modern day equivalent of a white person making squinty eyes and saying fake Chinese and broken English in a bad Chinese accent.

I will not elaborate.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    /worldnews is just a giant China hate boner 24/7. The amount of times I got called Wumao for not joining in on the frothing at the mouth hatred of china lol

    • Three_Magpies [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They're pushing anti-China sentiment big time on the cable news channels, as well. At least judging by the conversation with my mom, who is a boomer and has some inexplicable animosity towards China all of a sudden

      • SadSoulja [love/loves]
        4 years ago

        The president calling COVID the China Virus and saying China sent us a plague for an entire year while 500K+ Americans died of the virus is probably the primary cause of this acceleration. I know it’s lib to say Orange Man Bad but in that case even lib friends of mine have sometimes called it that ironically, even some of our Chinese-American friends thought it was funny. And that was just from seeing Trump say it on the news and on Twitter all the time, the news doesn’t even have to push anti-Chinese sentiment on top of that. Hearing that shit a hundred then a thousand times does harm because when people are looking for something to be angry with then “hating on China” and in turn “hating Chinese people” is an easy step to take. Similar to anti-Muslim sentiment after 9/11


        • cynesthesia
          11 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • SadSoulja [love/loves]
            4 years ago

            Lmao the jump to Holocaust is a strange one. But yeah I’ve definitely heard some insane takes like “it was manufactured in a lab to kill us” or “this was an experiment and the next bio-terror attack they unleash on us will be the big one” from people who are otherwise pretty level-headed, although nearly all these takes are from people with no bio or biochemistry background whatsoever lol. I guess the explanation can never just be that sometimes shit happens, especially with everyone having to pick a side or fire off a take online these days.
