Boys under-18 being exposed to pornographic material is the most unspoken problem in our society & we got adult girls here profiting off of that.


I don't know why this isn't getting the attention that it should.

We are witnessing pedophilic adult females groom young boys & getting paid for it.

Something's not right when we permit these things.

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It's reactionary thought in a nutshell: Diagnose the problem half-right, then offer some horrible, punitive solution.

    For example: You aren't getting paid enough at your job, but if we make immigrants non-persons, that'll fix it.

    • YungTheorist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah. Just fucking ban porn, and punish the people who exploit women

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I don't think banning porn is the response for a number of reasons. An immediate improvement would be labor protections for sex workers of all kinds, an intermediate fix would be something like a job guarantee (so that the choice to do sex work is a meaningful one), and a full solution would just be socialism.

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I suppose I'm having a hard time understanding sexualization as a problem if it isn't accompanied by exploitation. I guess you still have body image concerns, but that issue extends far beyond porn. Would you mind clarifying a bit?

            • YungTheorist [he/him]
              4 years ago

              My body is my own thing, don’t bring my body into this.

              Sexualization leads to objectification, which is inherently evil as it removes agency from someone

              • Leningrab [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Lust is a normal human emotion. Trying to stop that is futile

              • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                I didn't word that very well. I meant to say "I can see body image concerns still existing with socialist porn" -- I didn't mean to imply you personally had body image concerns.

                Sexualization leads to objectification, which is inherently evil as it removes agency from someone

                Say someone grows up in a socialist utopia. They want to do porn. They're not directly forced into it, and they're not forced into it by circumstance, either -- they're guaranteed a non-porn job and all the means of decent living. What agency are they losing by the fact porn exists?

                Maybe they want to stop at some point, and they don't want their videos online anymore -- the agency-preserving answer there is to take their videos down (and if we can ban porn altogether, we can accomplish this). Maybe they don't want their time working in porn to be held against them in their next job -- if we can give workers full ownership and control over their workplaces, we can do this type of anti-discrimination stuff. I'd also imagine that interpersonal views on sex work would be less reactionary under socialism.

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  None of this works, it's functionally removed from the fact people will want to do it and the fact people will want to consume it. All of this only serves to push the content to a black market instead.

                  The correct approach is to understand that none of this is a problem that can be solved with prohibition and that it is far easier to soften the damage it does with strict regulation and control rather than prohibition which will just push it to an unregulated black market.

                  Regulated porn, control it 100x better than it currently is, do real age verifications, protect workers better. Then spend time and effort in society on the environmental issues that make porn such a problematic thing.

                  There needs to be a transition from a heavily problematic dodgy industry into an industry that's barely even wanted anymore by wider society. Complete prohibition isn't going to make it go away and it certainly isn't going to solve any problems for those working in the industry who will inevitably still have the same conditions in their lives that led them to working in it in the first place, they'll continue that work in the black market industry you create.

                  • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Porn, even without capitalist exploitation, can be harmful to how adolescents view sexual relationships and acts. I don't think there's a solution that can have success without quality, accessible education about sex being available from the early onset of puberty.

                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      4 years ago

                      Sure. Regulating adolescent access should happen too. Requiring real age verification via credit card used to be common practice in the earlier internet until the entire industry switched to a simple "Are you over 18?" and literally nobody called them out for it.

                      I don't necessarily think "porn can be harmful to how adolescents view sexual acts" is a completed thought either though. Porn as is currently common is, porn with healthier perspectives on relationships however may be quite different. The issue I think is that porn currently just depicts a gratuitous sex act with no before/after and no concept of how that fits into a healthy relationship, this teaches children a very unhealthy perspective of the act. Not to mention the vast majority being deeply degrading to the women pictured. That's not to say that I think degradation porn shouldn't be a thing either though, people will still want it and have that kink for a long time until we identify the environmental factors creating it, but we should require kink-porn to have a healthy perspective of how that fits into a mutually trusting bdsm relationship.

                      Porn needs a ratings and regulatory board just like movies have but for the content of the porn itself.

      • Totalscrotalimplosio [he/him,any]
        4 years ago

        Just fucking ban porn, and punish the people who exploit women.

        And men; honestly the entire industry is exploitative, just like the rest of the system.