Who are y'all picking as the better film. Personally I'm gonna pick killing slaveowners slightly over killing nazis.

  • threshold [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I couldn't decide so I read the comments, I'll repeat @EconomicCumflation 's assertion- Django's Slave owners are a bunch of unlikeable dipshits, with even Leo being a weird kinda incestuous freak whose rants don't really make sense.

    Landa is 'cultured', competent and eloquent. He does end screaming with a nazi symbol in his head, but up until then he's in control, and only 'loses' because the Basterds 'cheat'. In terms of racist nazis idolising villains, it's nice not to give them 'ammo.

    Also, slightly off topic- our big blond wet boy saw Django (lol how did he last the 3 hours) and proclaimed it as racist. I didn't really engage with the conservative rhetoric around that film at the time- what are their defences to the idea that Django Unchained is racist? Just the idea we shouldn't promote killing slave owners? lol