the large, unexpected gain by people to the left of the country's "left party" isn't a full on revolution, therefore it's bad to be excited by the possibilities it creates
I'm a commie too but come on guys, if we're gonna uphold people like Maduro or Lula or Morales then the fucking DSA are our comrades too. The practical fact is that the left in the United States is still far too small to be picky about who gets to be inside the tent, the only people you should wreck are wreckers.
Maduro, Lula, or Morales aren't tripping over themselves to prove to the right wing in their countries that they're happy to drop bombs all over the world or sanction poor countries into starvation.
I'm a commie too but come on guys, if we're gonna uphold people like Maduro or Lula or Morales then the fucking DSA are our comrades too. The practical fact is that the left in the United States is still far too small to be picky about who gets to be inside the tent, the only people you should wreck are wreckers.
Maduro, Lula, or Morales aren't tripping over themselves to prove to the right wing in their countries that they're happy to drop bombs all over the world or sanction poor countries into starvation.