We have to do it. Some of us have to do it in different ways. Doing small things where you can is all well and good but literally none of us are making a single impact in capitalism by making different choices about how we're forced to participate in it. Focus on tearing it down together rather than picking apart individual choices because those individual choices still result in participating in capitalism.

  • rozako [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I was going to say it’s a harder comparison because not that the surveillance state is good but it is a different type of bad vs factory farms and sweatshops. But I get where you’re coming from in comparing the ‘why don’t we do this’. At the end of the day, we ALL do bad stuff. Stuff we can — and should — work on. But beating yourself up over it only inflicts guilt and not motivation to change, just as superiority makes you feel you’re good enough and have nothing to work towards.