We have to do it. Some of us have to do it in different ways. Doing small things where you can is all well and good but literally none of us are making a single impact in capitalism by making different choices about how we're forced to participate in it. Focus on tearing it down together rather than picking apart individual choices because those individual choices still result in participating in capitalism.

    • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]
      3 年前

      Bullshit, it's accusing vegans of distracting from class consciousness because we're trying to end suffering.

      • danisth [he/him]
        3 年前

        It's saying that vegan's accusing non-vegans of being bad leftists in distracting from class consciousness. Vegans being vegans to reduce animal suffering is obviously good, and I don't think that the comment insulated that it wasn't.

        • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]
          3 年前

          This comment is a perfect example of why people who can afford to exist without meat but choose not to are larping as leftists. Luxury communism is a myth, and to live in a truly classless world would require a reduction in standard of living for most westerners. People like you are incapable of making any type of sacrifice to the collective good. The benefits to a society consuming no animal products are innumerable; the lower healthcare costs and reduced environmental impact should be enough on their own for a society truly invested in the collective good. "Steak tastes good and I should be able to eat what I want" is literally the most liberal position you could have.