These narratives have real world consequences. Anytime you mention Xinjiang or that China is committing a "genocide" to liberals and conservatives it helps spread this shit. It helps reinforce Sinophobic narratives and will result in more deaths. Combat these lies and this propaganda where you see It. It is our moral duty to do so.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    But for real, in my irl experience, I just drop some Zenz facts and bring up ETIM and people usually flip. I think everyone has an opinion, but no one has strong opinions and it's mostly smoke.

    If there was actual drafting going on and initiation of conflict, you'd see that number drop real quick. There aren't videos of brutality, it's all imaginary right now. So people are just believing it, but without much conviction.

    Again, this doesn't account for the online neolib psychos or the right wing racists that just see this as an opening for them to do hate crimes and have slightly better PR.