My girlfriend and I were planning on going camping today, but my girlfriend's white suburban middle class parents wouldn't let us, saying it was 'dangerous'. Both her and I agree that white middle class people are way too afraid of everything for some reason, but I don't know why. Any ideas?
My own prejudices might show up, but I've noticed that a lot of western middle class people just have this very vegetable like mellow curated existence, where things are supposed to be kep quiet, polite, toned down, restrained, non-provocative, and nothing is really ever supposed to happen, outside of a very mellow curated list of experiences. The most exciting stuff happens only on the TV screen or in the computer game. Or when you have a polite dinner with some guests or a backyard BBQ. Everything out of the ordinary is scary, every change is terrifying, mayo is too spicy. Of course this is painting with broad strokes, and usually people do have one or other escape from this life, but I keep seeing it in this type of people. I sound like an edgy teenager but I keep seeing it again and again and again
When I think about some of the people in my personal life I truly despise, I find myself mentally asking them: when was the last time you thought, said, or experienced anything CNN would not approve of?
I have a couple of people in my life that I really can't stand, and I don't really know why. Theyre both white males, who talk a little bit of woke talk, but whose privilege at every step of their lives just drips from them. They're not even rich or whatever, they are just such libs that I know they don't actually give a shit about any of the environmental or equal right stuff they talk about.
Maybe I do know why. Biggest cases of lib brain.