I'm glad I looked at the thread before I went and tried to push some crazy equation into python. Glad to see I tried to reinvent cryptography
I made the assumption that apple over banana pineapple could equal 3 or 2 or 1 (and thus I could solve for banana and pineapple via guess and checking the quadratic formula) and when it wasn't, I checked what you all had to say. I got suspicious when everything I got for b was negative. I didn't save the file, but there were a couple of times apple could have equaled 3 with banana being a negative integer.
I'm glad I looked at the thread before I went and tried to push some crazy equation into python. Glad to see I tried to reinvent cryptography
I made the assumption that apple over banana pineapple could equal 3 or 2 or 1 (and thus I could solve for banana and pineapple via guess and checking the quadratic formula) and when it wasn't, I checked what you all had to say. I got suspicious when everything I got for b was negative. I didn't save the file, but there were a couple of times apple could have equaled 3 with banana being a negative integer.
You done been sniped