Remember when Trump attacked Syria with rockets and a bunch of most crazy libs were like "this is what the left did by electing Trump". Before the left was able to point out that this was Hillary's stated policy during the 2016 primaries and general election, Hillary gave an interview for some TV network and said that Trump didn't send nearly enough missiles and needs to start a full scale invasion of Syria? That was a fun week.

  • Wertheimer [any]
    8 months ago

    It sure has been depressing realizing that none of the liberals actually believed what they said about immigration in the Trump years.

    • Lovely_sombrero [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Not long ago I remember an article (that was misrepresented by liberals who didn't read it) about how Trump was good for trans people. And it said exactly what this tweet says, that liberals stopped a lot of anti-trans legislation in a lot of purple states purely because of their anti-Trump partisanship. Of course, everyone noted that this is just temporary. Not only that, this strategy completely fails when talking about M4A for example. Trump and the GOP hate it, but libs don't care, they refuse to support it in order to be "anti-Trump".

    • Kaplya
      8 months ago

      Libs and socdems are the type of people who like to think they’re the good guys, but only when it is convenient for them.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    Hillary's stated policy during the 2016 primaries

    I was a lib in 2016 and I read a NYT article on her hawkishness. I realized she'd be a lib version of neocon. I didn't look forward to her presidency at all due to that and other reasons and I was worried about her militarism because she was certainly going to win. There was no way Americans were dumb enough to elect Trump.

    • Wheaties [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Can you imagine if that Iranian drone/boat thing had happened under a Clinton presidency?

  • Ildsaye [they/them]
    8 months ago

    Imagine what would be happening if President Sanders was implementing the identical policy back-to-me

    8 months ago

    The onus is on those who want my support to justify why I should give it. Right now, nobody's managing that. Hell, at this point, even if the democrats could reliably, verifiably, feet-to-the-fire drop their love of drone warfare, genocide, and fossil fuels, I'd still want this country to fall as a knock-on for all the evil that's been committed by these settlers over the last two- to four-hundred years; so really, the onus is on those who want to provide a country that actually lives up to all the lofty bullshit I was taught as a child first.

    Then we can talk about 'supporting them'. Til then, settlers can suck my dick with no rubber and no vaseline.