This is really awesome and I'm happy to finally have my favorite subreddit back but, y'know, not on reddit. However, we need more people here. I know the discord still has people making the jump and all, but we really should work out ways of making this more publicly known. I dream of the day when there are thousands of people posting hog.
There hasn't even been a proper announcement yet. Things are going great so far.
I was surprised, I've just been randomly going to the site to see if it was up yet because I don't like fucking with discord, and checked today and found out it was out, I assume there was a discord post about it already. When is the official notice going out? lol
There hasn't even been an @everyone ping on the server yet for it, although it has been mentioned in most channels I think.
This is by choice, currently things are slowly ramping up and we can deal with small issues. Soomn™️ official launch posts will be made.
we've been taking things slow to iron out issues as we find them so that the moderation team doens't burn out instatnly.
Yeah, the usernumbers seem to be rising steadily.