ArmedHostage [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年10月25日


  • ArmedHostage [none/use name]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    3 年前

    The absolute high point of capitalist profitability. Made possible by massive intervention and direct central planning during WW2 and all that dead capital being literally blown up. It was all down hill from there.

  • If you can, save up for an OBD. Then you can google codes and fix most problems on your own. It's hard to justify the upfront cost if you're really struggling BUT they're universal and you can share it with your comrades and friends. They run up to $100 but I've seen some on for $50 or $60.

    Fixing cars has also been made immeasurably harder than your parents time too. They're all compact so stuff is in weird hard to reach places and they have so much computer shit in them that it could be something as simple as a borked sensor. Nobody has tools anymore either because they're too expensive and things are often cheaper to replace than try and fix.

    My car has to take off the front drivers side wheel to replace the battery, stuff is in absolutely BIZARRE places.

  • If this isnt copypasta or a bit, it's because of material conditions. Capitalism algorithmically finds these people and ensures they get middle management positions because they'rereally good at being the proverbial whip for your exploited surplus labor. Someone more efficient doesnt serve capitalists interest for the imperial core, your point isnt to produce it's to consume all and be harangued so you dont establish class consiousness

  • They keep all these starlets fucked up on drugs and permanent emotional (or otherwise) abuse.

    A friend of mine said she was jealous of Billie eilish and wish she had her life as a teen, but guaruntee you they keep her on a short leash using drugs and abuse too. You dont want these peoples lives, they're just fuel for the spectacle pyre.

  • ArmedHostage [none/use name]topoliticsOh my!
    3 年前

    Article if anyone wants to read it. Guy got $5 million in a settlement.

    The piggies also beat 20 other people at that same protest in 2017. No other charges from that. They specifically targeted anyone filming, covered up badges and name tags, and talked about how cool it was gonna be to beat people in the days prior to the scheduled protest (obtained by text messages). They said they only regretted beating this guy after they found out he was an undercover cop.

  • This justifies us grabbing power by any means necessary, btw. Doesnt mean full adventurism, but the morals and ethics of the old world no longer apply in a doomed world facing mass extinction and global collapse in the next 80 years. You have all the permission you need starting right now.

    Do whatever it takes to ensure the people have the power to make this right. If that means withholding your vote from parties that arent demanding radical change, yes you are justified. If that means unionizing your workplace or salting other workplaces, yes you are justified. If that means quit your job and dedicate yourself to revolution, yes you are allowed. If that means kidnap CEOs of major companies, yes you have a moral liscence to do it. If that means sabotaging major infrastructure, yes you have the moral liscence to do it. You may face jail time, even death, and its up to you it you're willing to take risks like that in the service of the working class and the earth in general. Dont be stupid and go solo, but dont get cold feet either. Its terrifying to realize how much freedom and power you actually have, but it's yours for the taking.

    By any means necessary means anything is allowed.

  • Crowder is the guy from the "Change my mind about ___" memes, the original was about white privelege irrc. Crowder made his original fame and money by "debating" freshmen college students, just like Shapino. Unsurprisingly he "owned" them, as often these are freshmen not prepped for debate or particularily knowledgable about their claims and Crowder would just edit it for the best performances of him - occassionally he would start to get owned and he'd act much he did on the h3 podcast.

    Seder is a political commentator that started out in 2010 with his show. He can be pretty lib, but if all libs were like him the world would be a lot more tolerable and better. He hosted Michael Brooks as well.

    H3H3 is hosted by Ethan Klein, mostly about poking fun at internet weirdos. Hes more like an apolitical/lean lib guy.

    Crowder has been ghosting debating Seder for a long time. The last couple times I remember was during politicon, Crowder was invited and so was Seder. Seder had a condition that he gets to debate Crowder, Crowder was told this and he stopped responding to organizers. He was also set to do this with H3H3 last week, Seder cut his show short and Crowder bowed out suddenly saying his wife had medical issues.

    Then yesterday happened, Crowder went back onto H3H3 even though Ethan Klein pulled almost the same shit last time. Seders show kept running, because they recorded an episode and pretended it was live (like oceans fucking eleven). In response to this, Crowder cut to his dad and said some ANCIENT anti-semetism shit right away (something about how Seder didnt have a soul and his eyes looked like the velveteen rabbits).

    Crowded persona and money is made off of seeming to be an invulnerable debate God who is super right wing/alt right. If he loses debates or loses his cool, he will lose followers and money. He knows this, hence why hes avoided it so hard.

    Also, it's just funny to see a guy who is visibly strapped up get so scared that he got his Dad to come comfort him, all because Seder appeared to debate him.

  • 1+1=2 includes a lot of assumptions, that a binary operation in a ring produces this algebra (we could easily define "+" to mean "s+r+2" in our regular parlance, and thatd met all the requirements for it to be an algebra along with regular mutliplication). It includes definitions of what "1" and "2" are along with this rather mysterious thing called "=" is. If you read through principia mathematica, they dont get to "1+1=2" until well into the book, and even then it ultimately failed. Classical Greek mathematicians would have no idea what "1+1=2" is supposed to mean, but would show you how to add 2 measures instead. Mathematics is a wondefully mysterious subject that isnt encaspulated in equations, even the simplest equations belie some shaky ground we all take for granted. For instance, looking into something as simple as the interval between (0, 1) tells us something about the supremum of the set and we must introduce a new axiom of completeness to deal with it.

    The fact that your base idea of knowledge without context is a simple equation shows how your education has led you to be automaton-like or calculator-like, you have been reduced to instead of a fully formed free thinking, creative, curious human into a creature that can recite simple mathematical observations without deeper reflection.

  • ArmedHostage [none/use name]tomainBiden on NBC
    4 年前

    Beware the first blacks, the first women, the first immigrants, the first LGBT, all these people only get there because they're willing to stomp all over oppressed people and labor in general. They're absolute killers most of the time.

  • Stocks are worthless if companies go bankrupt. Stocks get paid out last - if at all. Creditors first, then bonds, then stocks if there's anything left over. Zombie companies are on the rise, I'd be prepared for a bunch of large corporations to start going through bankruptcy sometime in the new year as retail sales will be shit for Christmas - meaning they won't be able to cover their debt obligations. People would switch from stocks to bonds even if it's negative because at least you'll get money from bankruptcy proceedings. Even in chapter 11 bankruptcy (as in not the one where they liquidate everything), stocks become worthless.

  • It deletes messages after viewing, but all that data is still stored on snapchats servers so it will live on even if you think its gone. Snapchat did randomly try to take a picture of me when it was off (I got a notification that it tried to without permission in the background, and if you google this issue so do a lot of other people) - but so does everything else, so what can you do besides not download it. People can see when you look at messages and can also see when you look at pictures once or twice. People can see when you add them as a friend, you have to add people as friends in order to send snaps.

    There's a bunch of "stories" that are public ranging from individually curated stuff (the ever present influencers that hock beauty products) to mini news bites to complete clickbait trash (prank channels and the like). Ads are getting annoying. You don't have to use any of them, but I find the clickbait trash is fun if you have time to kill on the toilet or waiting for a bus or whatever.

    Lots of people like the lenses that alter your face or add stuff to the foreground. It can be fun to play around with them with a friend. They probably use your face and data from that for machine learning training.