YiffingInTheNameOf [he/him,comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2020

  • YiffingInTheNameOf [he/him,comrade/them]tochapotraphouse😬
    2 years ago

    He has always been one of the most ambitious acts in mainstream hip hop and has very often been a trend setter.

    Like, if you look at his very early productions for Jay-Z and then his first records, you can see the blueprints for the "slightly-sped up soul sample with heavy drums" type of production that would define the early 2000s. Then, there was 808s and Heartaches, which flopped on release but ended up defining mainstream rap for another couple of years (heavily-autotuned sing-song rapping with synth heavy beats). After that, there was My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy which is amongst the best progressive rap albums out there with its grandiose, over-the-top production.

    After that, he kind of falls behind trends, with Yeezus being a rough attempt at industrial rap à la Death Grips or clipping. Life of Pablo and Kids See Ghosts are the two last projects where Kanye seemed to be on top of things...

    In any case, like him or not (musically), dude was extremely influential and it sucks to see him go from the narcissistic asshole who said that George Bush doesn't care about black people and who sang "New Slaves" to a narcissistic asshole who's using his immense platform to give exposure to the very worst people and ideologies possible.

  • YiffingInTheNameOf [he/him,comrade/them]tochapotraphouse😬
    2 years ago

    Christ almighty; you'd hoped that anyone around him cared enough about his wellbeing to force him into therapy/taking his meds before he imitates a world leader using a plastic net and a fake whiny voice but here we are.

    The whole situation makes me so sad. I've always loved Kanye's music and managed to deal with his over-the-top personality because his narcissism really wasn't hurting anyone but himself. Now I can only see a man who's completely lost it surrounded by a bunch of clout-seeking worms who use Ye's unhealthy need for attention to promote their hateful agenda.

  • Saw 5 is the only one of the entire series that I am willing to make a lukewarm defense for. Basically instead of going after people who were victims of the system and were not grateful or people who touched weed once in their life, Jigsaw goes after the boss of the health insurance company who turned him down for his cancer treatment.

    The entire movie is about the asshole CEO making heartbreaking choices about which of his employees (mostly insurance salesperson and the people's whose job was to find pre-existing conditions to refuse you treatment) will get killed by Jigsaw's traps. The questions he asks the CEO and his employees are pretty close to the choices people with no or bad insurance must make every single day in America. Like, it's still a Saw movie, so there will still be outrageous gory moments with silly traps, but at least the people being punished deserve it this time around.

  • I was just looking for the same thing earlier this week.

    Started Gantz after seeing it recommended a few times. Whole lotta tits, and the horror is always offset by how goofy the main characters are (at least in the first few episodes). The gore is sort of fun and the sci-fi elements are genuinely upsetting and bring up some interesting questions about identity.

    Gave Higurashi a go when I started feeling uncomfortable with the SA-positive vibes of Gantz. The horror elements are incredibly well done. There is some legitimate tension and the sound design is great. Sadly, everything not horror-related is cutesy/tweensy and that was really irritating to me as I have never been into that whole aesthetic.

  • Was there ever a thorough assessment of what happened in the primaries?

    From what I can remember, in the first few states, when Bernie's staff was allowed to monitor everything, he absolutely crushed it (ignoring the Pete/Shadow Inc. rat fucking) and then as soon as they reached states where their team could not see the whole thing Biden started winning by absolutely insane margins (at least for a guy who lost a tooth and whose eye exploded on national television).

    But I guess the complete opacity of the process is the point. We'll never know if people truly went for safe ol' rambly pull-my-leg-hair Joe or if he had a little help from the DNC (y'know, apart from Pete and Stapler-throwing-lady dropping overnight while Elizabeth Warren stayed in the race).

  • Basically I am working on a Berlin - The Wicked City type of thing set in my hometown in the 1930s. Since it is heavily researched and will involve historically significant characters, it qualifies as promoting local culture/history and, thus, they offered me some money they'd gotten from the government for that type of project.

    The element that sealed the deal, tho, is the interactive map I am working on on WorldAnvil where people will have access to a re-creation of my hometown in the 1930s.

  • Thanks!

    And, I don't know if you are talking about writing music or lyrics, but one thing that helped me greatly when I was working on Lovecraft-related projects was putting some Cryo Chamber stuff in the background (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-pZbPNpLhI). I was mainly writing creative fiction but, when it comes to music, I find that improvising over anything that sounds like what I'd like to do helps get the juices flowing when I start a writing session.

  • Doing. Started new medication a few weeks ago (Concerta, a Ritalin-like kinda thing) and I feel like I am able to focus a bit better. Almost done with my semester at work so, things are looking up.

    Having so much trouble writing anything, tho, and I have a deadline coming up at the end of July (working on a rather massive TTRPG adventure module/book with a grant from the local tourism office). I haven't set a word on page for about a month now; basically just thinking of writing fills me with dread.

    Everything's chill otherwise, lol

  • I hate how often I mention Harry Potter in my literature classes but I can never find a better example on the spot. Like I will always mention Harry Potter as a round/dynamic character vs Voldemort who is as flat/static as it gets.

    What are some other, less dumb/associated with the worst person on the planet, well-known books that I could use as examples?


  • Hey, I teach CEGEP level (basically a transition between high school and university) and I have been trying over time to make my students more involved in their learning and/or to have a more leftist approach to knowledge.

    Thing is, flipped classrooms and ungrading are some small steps forward but I do not really know how to break the "mold" and get students to explore genuine interests of their own. For reference, I teach English as a Second Language for intermediate/advanced students and anytime I try to go for projects that are a bit more "out there" students end up being extremely hesitant because they are so used to just writing what their teachers want to read.

    Long story short, what are some concrete techniques and/or important texts that could help me make my teaching more liberating and empowering and get my students to go beyond just "I am taking this class because I have to take it to get my diploma"?