pinglun [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2023


  • pinglun [none/use name]tochapotraphouseLiterally 1984
    1 year ago

    It's not anime. It's nerds.

    I'm not sure if the hobby obsession leads to poor health and hygiene, or if people with poor health and hygiene are drawn to these hobbies, but gaming - be it boardgaming, CCG's, RPG's, LARPing, videogaming, whatever - all these types of hobbies draw perhaps the unhealthiest people you'll ever see.

    I've attended Gen Con for the last 10 years, and it's just an unfortunate observation. Despite the fact that every person I've ever personally interacted with at Gen Con is friendly and passionate about the gaming hobby, and are generally great people, it's simply hard not to notice that many of them are overweight, in poor health, eat poorly, and sometimes have hygiene issues.

    Just one of the side-effects of the hobby, I guess. If you subsist on a diet of Red Bull, Mountain Dew, Funyuns, Hot Pockets and Taco Bell, and never get out of your chair, well, nature will take its course.

    -- Kyle Seely,

  • pinglun [none/use name]tochapotraphouseLiterally 1984
    1 year ago

    If I ever threw an anime con it would be called ShowerCon: the con where you take a shower before you come!

    The logo would be a shower head and the advertisements would include ELI5 instructions on how to bathe. Sponsors would be Flex and Speed Stick.

  • Europeans are just slavish people who want to be ruled. Just look at Germany today, they voluntarily gave up control of their security to the Americans and control of their economy to the Russians. And then when the Americans bombed Nordstream 2, they meekly accepted overpriced American gas to make up the difference. Now they're meekly sending tanks to the nazis. The French are the only ones with any spine, and it's just assholish contrarianism rather than actual burning desire for freedom.

  • There are people I've known for years and yet never seen them outside the bar.

    And that's OK. It's OK to have friends that aren't deep. I like my bar buddies, they keep me company at the bar. What else am I supposed to do at 10pm on a Tuesday and I'm bored at home?

    But if the only thing you want is deep, meaningful experiences where the two of you know every detail about each other like this woman apparently does...well, you're asking too much from life, I think.

  • pinglun [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankI’m sorry, what?
    1 year ago

    He's defining himself as part of an ingroup by use of insider slang. "If you aren't one of us, you won't understand. You'll just try to ridicule us, which is just typical of you unwashed morons."