yeahhhhhhhhhboiii [none/use name]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • yeahhhhhhhhhboiii [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Can we please stop the struggle sessions on China, or move it to a channel specifically for China struggle sessions?

    It's honestly fucking with my mental health, I can't stand all these western leftists who think they know better than someone who speaks the fucking language and has been to China multiple times, and seen the western lies for what they are, lies.

    Also, is there a mute button on threads, jesus christ.

  • yeahhhhhhhhhboiii [none/use name]tomainchina
    4 years ago

    China must stop all trading and relations with Israel.

    China must also stop all trading and relations with one of the most war hungry and destructive nations of the earth, the USA. The US has killed millions, and been in wars for 222 out of 239 years of its existence. The US is also currently committing forced sterilisation at its borders with ICE camps. It's the only ethical thing to do, and the only thing to consider.

    China must also stop all trading and relations with the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Japan, the Philippines, and every other country that has ever done or is currently doing shitty things, including itself.

  • Terfs are so pathetic, it's depressing.

    Imagine how much effort and time it took for these shitty fuckers to conceptualise, sketch, draw out and colour these terrible comics. And then, by the time they're done drawing their pile of shit, they decided it would be a good idea to put it on the internet, so that other shitty people could marvel at their shit creation.

    Fuck terfs.

  • I might be called a dengist/revisionist, but I genuinely think it was good for china to reform and open up.

    The cultural revolution had its role, but it was also full of mistakes. I mean, how can you possibly expect to succeed as a dogmatically communist country when you just escaped semi-colonialism, several wars, and have barely developed?

    So yeah, I'm glad that the top leadership can see that China has made mistakes, acknowledges them, and also is willing to learn from these mistakes.

    Which is why going through this massive struggle session is infuriating, most liberals think that those who defend China are saying China made no mistakes.

    Clearly, this is not the case.

    China made mistakes. People paid for this in lives and blood.

    Most of the "CCP shills" are trying to dismantle the misconceptions most people have of China. There is never any useful conversation about China when everyone is repeating the same, debunked propaganda.

  • Lol when tf did I say no one died in the cultural revolution? Don't stick words into my mouth and try to argue against it, bad form.

    Also, when did I say that murdering political dissidents is a funny joke?

    I'm saying that there is political dissident, and no, not all of them are killed because if they were, most of China would fucking disappear. You know that there are multiple parties within China right? Including the KMT? So yes, there is freedom to have different political views, and even have a place in government.

    Furthermore, I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with free speech. It is not very useful to bitch about Trump on twitter, when you're dying of Covid because he is incompetent. So yes in a sense, the west is very free in speech, and you are also free to starve in the streets, free to go into lifelong debt for education etc.

    And don't get me started on how the West kills political dissidents. You're beyond naive if you thing the free and mighty west doesn't kill rebels, and then co-opts their image and whitewash them of all their revolutionary intent. That shit takes real skill.

  • Why is democracy interpreted as the ability to vote for a president every 4 years? Is that what you define as democracy, the ability to vote for 2 puppets of the same neoliberal regime?

    I make the distinction that Xi did not personally extend his own term limits, because it signifies that he did not have that power himself. This is an important distinction, because if others granted him extra term limits, they can also take it away.

    Which leads me to the question, why does it matter that Xi can stay as president for life if that is what the people want? Would you not say it's worse that elections every four years guarantees that nothing gets done, but distracts the masses?

    You'll also hate this argument, but here it anyway. Xi does not actually want to remain president for life, link.