Fedora and Arch btw sicko-tux

  • charlie
    1 year ago

    Mint, I’m new to linux so I picked one that looked easier to manage. Really impressed so far coming from Windows 10. Runs Firefox and Dolphin perfectly, which is 99% of my computer use, lol

    Took a bit for me to figure out how to run BG3 on it, but finding out about the Heroic Game Launcher made that really easy too.

    • Momo
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • Owl [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I'm using Debian now but I still use the desktop environment/UI that Mint uses because it's so nice.

        What's that like, and how is it different from just Mint?

        I assume mostly package management?

        • Momo
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

    • Twink
      1 year ago

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      • charlie
        1 year ago

        Ooh, I love that it's Ubuntu, so it's familiar, and it looks so nice! I'll use that distro when I get bored of Mint, thanks! I'm told a large part of being a Linux user is trying out different distro's, lmao

        Disclaimer: I witnessed the birth of Twink on Hexbear, I can't think of anyone more welcome cat-trans

        • Twink
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • charlie
            1 year ago

            ...I have an old laptop lying around I've been meaning to do something with, perfect picard-pointing

            • Twink
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator