The actual tweet


  • Cromalin [she/her]M
    10 months ago

    did you see the article about the japanese guy who dated like 30 women and told them all his birthday was a different day so he'd get presents throughout the year? and then they figured it out and all collectively kicked his ass

    but what i'm talking about is not that, though still an impressive feat of time management. i'm talking about trans people (mostly women but plenty of others as well) who are all dating each other and who are part of an elaborate web of polycules that includes dozens of people at the minimum

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      10 months ago

      yes I assumed that in your story it was with the full knowledge of all involved parties. I don't really understand how a relationship like that can not implode out of jealousies but if it works and they are happy then I wish them only the best.

      A story of someone dating over five women at once reminded me of him though

      • Cromalin [she/her]M
        10 months ago

        the real problem isn't jealousy, it's time management lmao. it becomes exponentially harder to make time for each other with every partner you have, i don't think i could manage it with more than maybe 2. it's hard enough with 1!

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          10 months ago

          That was my first thought as well. How do they find the time for all of that?

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        10 months ago

        Good communication about when you're feeling jealous or neglected, mostly. Honestly jealousy doesn't really come into it for me, I'm glad my gfs are getting more action especially as estrogen kills my libido. It takes a lot of pressure off to not need to be everything to someone.

        Also my partners' partners aren't just random people, we're all friends and I love them too, just not like I would partners. Uncoupling relationships from possessiveness is freeing tbqh. Even if I only had one partner and no plans to have more, us being theoretically poly would be important to me for that reason.