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  • RION [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Thinking about how my voice training would/will go. My current voice varies so much based on situation, comfort, even topic and I do funny voices/impressions on the regular. I guess maybe that should make it easier/more familiar? But it still seems so daunting and impossible to arrive at something I'd consider natural and fitting for me

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Most voices vary depending on the situation. So that's a pretty normal thing altogether. And as you slowly train your voice, it'll move the needle slowly but surely. Your voice will modulate from a new neutral every time you move that needle. As for something that sounds natural to you, that may be a mental block that's a smidgen difficult to overcome. I voice trained last year and sit on a voice that's apparently indistinguishable from any other woman's. But in my head, I still have remnants of the old me hanging around and it causes me a neurosis of sorts. That's coming off a nice compliment I got last night saying my voice sounds cis and that it's smoother than most ciswomen this person has seen. idk

      • RION [she/her]
        4 months ago

        I know most voices vary, but I feel like mine varies a freakish amount to where I feel like a different person is talking at times

        • SnowySkyes [she/her]
          4 months ago

          I used to feel like that in the past, so I understand you. I would have a wildly different voice depending on the emotion that was dominant. It kinda flattened for me though, but I wonder if that's because I speak from the tippy top of my range now. Interesting.

          Either way, I suppose the only real way to see what happens is to just go for it. I know that's fairly straightforward and probably not a big help, but you really won't know what it'll all come to if you don't start, y'know? I know when I started that I never thought that my deep voice could ever amount to anything remotely useful. But here I am I think.

      • grym [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        This is honestly really heartening to hear, I haven't started voice training yet. Do you know if it's affected by age, like if you start later in life, is it harder to voice train?

        • JohannaChittarra
          4 months ago

          It’s only affected by age so much as our voices are affected by age! That is, an older woman sounds different than a younger woman. It is entirely possible to voice train at any stage of life. Here’s a fun example of someone doing it later in life with amazing results.