Experiencing high anxiety that coincides with estrogen peaks :/ maybe I just need to adjust my dose. Ofc there's a small part of me that is quite scared that I wasn't "meant" for estrogen and I was all wrong about being trans. (Sorry i have been anxious about this for the last while on here :/)Then I have moments where I see old pictures of me as a guy and I'm like who tf is that that looks TERRIBLE and I absolutely never want to be him again. It's so confusign
Hey I’ve dealt with this before. It eventually went away, but I can only assume it was caused by external factors. I wouldn’t put too much stock into it.
Experiencing high anxiety that coincides with estrogen peaks :/ maybe I just need to adjust my dose. Ofc there's a small part of me that is quite scared that I wasn't "meant" for estrogen and I was all wrong about being trans. (Sorry i have been anxious about this for the last while on here :/)Then I have moments where I see old pictures of me as a guy and I'm like who tf is that that looks TERRIBLE and I absolutely never want to be him again. It's so confusign
Is the anxiety the only thing that makes you think you weren't "meant" for estrogen? Cause if so, nah :)
Yeah other than the general intrusive thoughts of like... what If I just tricked myself lmao but then why would I love how pretty I look
You're doin' good I'm pretty sure :) also tons of people who are "for" estrogen have issues around it, like cis women lol
Lol yeah exactly I'm just being super neurotic about this which is a common issue for me in general lol... ADHD brain -.-
Hey I’ve dealt with this before. It eventually went away, but I can only assume it was caused by external factors. I wouldn’t put too much stock into it.
It was yes
Estrogen peaks are known to cause some mood instability so that may be contributing to it in itself