down with cis

  • SnowySkyes [she/her]
    3 months ago

    I'm so glad I missed this. The pain that those around me had to deal with seemed unbearable at times. Like, don't get me wrong, my tits hurt and have constantly for like a year and a half now, but never to this extent. Mind you that could be explained by the fact that I've had breasts since I was like 13 years old, so I never had to go through those early stages of development.

    Hopefully you've got a good stock of bralettes. That pain doesn't subside for a while if my mousy wife is anyone to go by.

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      3 months ago

      I mean, I was always a little chubby, I had something there too. I find the pain rather affirming, actually. I can feel them now in a way I couldn't before. I don't have a ton of bralettes right now but I got more coming in the mail right now, as soon as I can figure out how this amazon parcel box works

      • SnowySkyes [she/her]
        3 months ago

        Same goes for me. The only difference here then would be that I was diagnosed with gynecomastia growing up. I already had breast tissue present when I started HRT. Sure, I lost a lot of weight almost a decade ago, but the breasts never went away.

        Hopefully you get that worked out ASAP. As noted, it doesn't seem like it's a pleasant thing to deal with. Even relatively cheap ones can offer a lot of relief to my understanding.

        • EstraDoll [she/her]
          3 months ago

          Oh yeah, I'm not worried at all. I already have a couple to wear until my amazon order gets in later this week (hopefully I don't have to wear the hot pink one because that will be a massive attention grabber if it gets seen), but I should be fine

          (on an unrelated note, what do you keep writing out in Japanese whenever you do a spoiler like that?)

          • SnowySkyes [she/her]
            3 months ago

            That's the site doing that automatically. I have my phone set to Japanese to help me learn the language, so it uses Japanese for such matters. I just don't change it because I'm lazy tbh.