• DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
    9 days ago

    I have been wondering about the emotional effects of HRT everyone has ben talking about, because it's been 2 months, and either I haven't noticed the changes, or they are too subtle to be perceived by me. I feel very much the same, and still also very much in control of my emotions. Except in extraordinary circumstances(lack of sleep, lack of food, etc). I did put in a lot of effort into my emotional control over the years, since it used to be quite bad, but I thought I would still feel something.

    What concretly do people mean, when they talk about "emotional effects"?

    I have noticed some physical changes though, so it is working in some regards.

    • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
      9 days ago

      That's because I'm sucking all the emotional effects from you, sorry for that

    • Jenniferrr [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 days ago

      I have had changes but also they are quite subtle and only something I noticed over the course of months. For me, I definitely noticed my anxiety increasing. But I also noticed that I don't feel dead inside or emotionally numb. Also I noticed that my performance at work has increased massively and I feel way more confident in myself

      • kristina [she/her]M
        9 days ago

        anxiety increasing

        Anxiety issues definitely feel like it might be an estrogen issue, but its also really hard to tell. Like, I was so dead on T that sometimes when my levels are fucked up it is a bit of a relief for my anxiety but is generally worse for my depression and 'sense of feeling' and empathy. Also, minority stress is a thing.

        • Jenniferrr [she/her, comrade/them]
          9 days ago

          Minority stress is a thing but it's like, idk. Women in my family get hit harder with anxiety for sure, I've seen it with my whole dad's side. They all have anxiety to varying degrees

    • good_girl [she/her, they/them]
      9 days ago

      You're not alone in this, I'm 6mo in and the emotional changes have been somewhat subtle. I cry more easily when i'm very stressed or when emotions are high, but my day to day hasn't changed much at all. I did wonder if it might be because my dosage needs to be upped but I don't actually know.

      • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
        9 days ago

        Yeah, possibly the dosage. I just realized thet the cryptic "4 patches/week" I got from the endo, could mean that I was supposed to take two patches at the same time.

        • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
          9 days ago

          what dose are the patches? wrt the emotional changes, it can vary from person to person. for me I was extremely emotionally repressed before starting hrt and I found it let me feel a much broader spectrum of emotions. but someone who started off in a position of being more in touch with their emotions might not notice such a drastic change.

          • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
            9 days ago


            Yeah I put a lot of effort into understanding my emotions, cause I had problems with short temper and such, and being aggressive makes me want to puke, so I took care to not get to that point.

            I definitly felt more when I was a child though. I would actually become depressed after finishing a book, cause it was over and cry a lot. Hasn't happened in years.

            • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
              9 days ago

              you should put two on for the first half of the week and then remove them and put on the other two for the second half. don't worry about being down to the hour, just pick 2 days that split up the week roughly (my gfs do wednesday -> sunday) and change them on those days.

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      9 days ago

      The emotional effects can take a while. It took about a year and a half for my mousy wife to start feeling any tangible impacts on her emotions. On the other hand, it took only about 3 or 4 months for me. It's one of those cases where "everyone's different" so I wouldn't worry too terribly much about it.

      • EstraDoll [she/her]
        8 days ago

        It took y'all months to years to see emotional changes? I noticed mine coming in after like 2.5 weeks. Of course, it's only been about 6 weeks for me so there could still be more fun stuff for me down the road. who knows?

        • SnowySkyes [she/her]
          8 days ago

          If you want to be technical, I saw mine in the first month, but I don't count my godsawful PMS. As noted though, it's definitely different from person to person.

          • EstraDoll [she/her]
            8 days ago

            there's still a lot more girl shots for me to do and plenty of time to unlock fun girl emotions later :)

            • SnowySkyes [she/her]
              8 days ago

              You might have them already. I will say that you will know when you get them. And I can't wait until you do have them unless you already do, cause it's so damn glorious.

    • Kiagz [she/her]
      9 days ago

      It took 8 months before I felt any emotional changes. All my feelings became way stronger, including euphoria and dysphoria, and I was crying every day for various reasons. It's calmed down a bit since then, but I still cry a lot more now than I used to, which is nice :)